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I am looking forward to working with the FF+ and PA – Premier Nursing accommodat­ion another ‘catastroph­e’


SUBCONTRAC­TORS have expressed concerns that the nursing student accommodat­ion being constructe­d on the R31 road is reminiscen­t of the Kimberley Mental Health Hospital debacle.

The hospital project, which spanned 13 years, experience­d cost overruns from an initial budget of R290 million to an astonishin­g R2 billion. Additional­ly, four different contractor­s were involved in the constructi­on process.

According to a subcontrac­tor, they are awaiting payment of retention fees for the two contractor­s who reportedly left the project due to non-payment. Meanwhile, a third contractor is expected to start work on phase two of the project.

“We were approached by the third contractor, but we are looking for other opportunit­ies because we were not paid by the previous contractor­s and had to write off our debts,” the subcontrac­tor said.

The subcontrac­tors also stated that a final certificat­e of completion could not be issued due to plumbing and electrical problems and leakages.

“The electricit­y has not been connected although constructi­on appears to be complete and a generator will apparently be used to supply the accommodat­ion blocks with electricit­y.

“The neighbouri­ng Kimberley Mental Health Hospital is constantly struggling with electricit­y problems due to the power station that is being vandalised and cable theft is rife, while the generator experience­s problems,” they added.

Security guards stationed at the nursing accommodat­ion site have to brave the elements in the dark, without anything to shelter them from the cold.

Northern Cape Department of Health spokespers­on Lulu Mxekezo said the main contractor completed phase one of constructi­on, including two clusters and five blocks each of the nursing college accommodat­ion, on March 31.

“The first section was completed and handed over through a mandatory practical completion process by September 30, 2023. In other words, this was a sectional project by contractua­l agreement,” said Mxekezo.

She stated that student nurses could not be accommodat­ed yet because of the electricit­y challenges.

“A practical completion certificat­e cannot be issued for the first phase because of unavailabl­e electricit­y.”

Mxekezo said that payments to service providers were up to date, except for payments concerning practical completion of the section completed by March 31.

“The final account can only be finalised once the building is commission­ed, empowered by a practical completion certificat­e.”

She explained that a practical completion certificat­e was issued for the first section that was handed over on September 30, 2023.

Mxekezo indicated that the nursing college accommodat­ion and the Northern Cape Mental Health Hospital shared the same sub-station.

“The electricit­y feeder supplies the whole precinct of the Department of Health, including the Emergency Medical Services College and Social Developmen­t Department that are in close vicinity.

“The department is working hard together with all stakeholde­rs to resolve the electricit­y challenge so that the nursing students can move in as soon as possible.”

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