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Buffer Zone housing project in disarray


struction since then.”

While several houses have been partially constructe­d, few have been roofed but Matthews believes the biggest problem was the drainage system, which is already under strain despite not being fully utilised.

“No toilets are being used but already the drains are full. They were built too low and water flows back into the system. The problem gets worse with heavy rains.

“Two houses flood everytime it rains and, although nobody stays in them, they have already been vandalised.

“When constructi­on started on the two sites initially identified for these houses, workers realised that there were massive rocks on the erfs, making constructi­on very difficult.

“They then moved the constructi­on area few hundred meters, but did not consider the fact that they were building on an incline and that this would result in water running into the houses,” Matthews claimed.

Coghsta yesterday distanced itself from any involvemen­t in the developmen­t, directing questions to the Dikgatlong Local Municipali­ty.

Efforts to contact the municipal offices were unsuccessf­ul but spokesman for the provincial department, Xhanti Teki, confirmed that they were aware of disagreeme­nts between the local government and the service provider.

“The Department of Cooperativ­e Governance, Human Settlement­s and Traditiona­l Affairs can confirm that the service provider for the Buffer Zone Housing Project was appointed by Dikgatlong Municipali­ty,” Teki said.

“The department can further confirm that there are contractua­l challenges between the municipali­ty and the service provider.

“Our only interest is for the municipali­ty to attend to the contractua­l challenges so that the houses can be completed and for the beneficiar­ies to occupy the houses.” Teki added that Coghsta was not aware of any issues with the drains. “It is, however, the responsibi­lity of the municipali­ty to maintain the infrastruc­ture.”

 ??  ?? CONFUSION: Buffer Zone. Picture: Danie van der Lith
CONFUSION: Buffer Zone. Picture: Danie van der Lith

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