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 ??  ?? GIRLS’ HIGH MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE 2016: Back, from left: Xabiso Lute, Megan Hendrickse, Dameeka Kika and Aimee Klopper. Middle, from left: Jennifer Preece (deputy chairperso­n), Luneil van Bosch (chairperso­n), Fadheelah Kokatay and Nambitha Mbane. Front,...
GIRLS’ HIGH MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE 2016: Back, from left: Xabiso Lute, Megan Hendrickse, Dameeka Kika and Aimee Klopper. Middle, from left: Jennifer Preece (deputy chairperso­n), Luneil van Bosch (chairperso­n), Fadheelah Kokatay and Nambitha Mbane. Front,...
 ??  ?? BLAZERS: Jennifer Preece and Robyn Arnold were awarded Girls’ High Honours blazers at the recent prize-giving ceremony. Preece received her blazer for squash and Arnold for her exceptiona­l achievemen­t in academics.
BLAZERS: Jennifer Preece and Robyn Arnold were awarded Girls’ High Honours blazers at the recent prize-giving ceremony. Preece received her blazer for squash and Arnold for her exceptiona­l achievemen­t in academics.
 ??  ?? TOP ACHIEVERS IN EACH GRADE: Back, from left: Luneil van Bosch (Grade 11), Thembeka Mzimba (10) and Melissa Blassoples (8). Front: Duduetsang Tlhomelang (9).
TOP ACHIEVERS IN EACH GRADE: Back, from left: Luneil van Bosch (Grade 11), Thembeka Mzimba (10) and Melissa Blassoples (8). Front: Duduetsang Tlhomelang (9).
 ??  ?? INTERACT COMMITTEE 2016: From left: Lecharn Kruger, Roxane Louw, Laa’iqah Hussein, Anita Phillips, Seemeen Wookey (vice president), Dameeka Kika (president) and Amanda van Zyl.
INTERACT COMMITTEE 2016: From left: Lecharn Kruger, Roxane Louw, Laa’iqah Hussein, Anita Phillips, Seemeen Wookey (vice president), Dameeka Kika (president) and Amanda van Zyl.
 ??  ?? SQUASH: Jennifer Preece received the Achievemen­t Trophy for her accomplish­ments in squash. She is ranked sixth in South Africa in the Under-16 age group.
SQUASH: Jennifer Preece received the Achievemen­t Trophy for her accomplish­ments in squash. She is ranked sixth in South Africa in the Under-16 age group.
 ??  ?? RUNNERS-UP: Shannon Thompson (left) and Fadheelah Kokatay received Gold Awards as runners-up to the Achievemen­t Trophy.
RUNNERS-UP: Shannon Thompson (left) and Fadheelah Kokatay received Gold Awards as runners-up to the Achievemen­t Trophy.
 ??  ?? ALL-ROUNDER: Mma-Elisa Kenosi received the Furphy Trophy for the best all-round sportswoma­n.
ALL-ROUNDER: Mma-Elisa Kenosi received the Furphy Trophy for the best all-round sportswoma­n.

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