Daily News

Wife shooting: man denied bail

- ANELISA KUBHEKA anelisa.kubheka@inl.co.za

THE PINETOWN Magistrate’s Court denied bail to Adam Shaik Essop who allegedly drove from Pietermari­tzburg to Westville where he allegedly tried to run over his wife after shooting at her several times.

Essop, 63, from Copesville in Pietermari­tzburg, allegedly committed the offence on May 15 outside a primary school in Westville.

He is charged with the attempted murder of his 60-year-old wife who, according to the court, sustained gunshot wounds on her neck, elbow and under her breast. Essop pleaded not guilty to the charges.

During the bail applicatio­n, Essop submitted an affidavit stating that his health is not good, and he has a hearing problem and permanent bladder damage due to previous surgery. Further, he used to be self-employed but is now collecting a grant.

The State, in opposing bail, submitted the investigat­ing officer’s affidavit which dealt with the summary of facts in the matter, those being that on May 15 at 2.15pm the officer attended a Westville crime scene where a shooting had taken place.

Essop had asked to talk to his wife. She got into his car and they had an argument. The State said there was shouting and screaming. Essop then allegedly took out his gun and shot at his wife several times. He drove away and allegedly returned in an attempt to run over her.

His car was spotted in Pinetown and police tried to stop him but he didn’t. He was eventually caught in Pietermari­tzburg.

Magistrate Gwendolyn Robinson told the court she had considered all the evidence presented by the State, as well as that of the defence.

Robinson said she had reached her decision to deny him bail based on the fact that there was a likelihood that he would interfere with the complainan­t because he knew where she lived as well her routine.

Robinson asked to be furnished with Essop’s medical records and this was not done by his counsel. Robinson said that, instead, a note was provided from a general and laparoscop­ic surgeon, according to which he was in good health after an examinatio­n in February.

“There’s no evidence placed before the court that he will endanger the complainan­t, however, the court is mindful of evidence placed before it which is that he drove from Maritzburg to Westville where it’s alleged he committed the offence.

“He then returned to Maritzburg despite being chased by the national task team,” said Robinson.

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