Daily News

SA foreign policy document falls short on specifics

- ABEL ESTERHUYSE Esterhuyse is an Associate Professor of Strategy, Faculty of Military Science at Stellenbos­ch University

SOUTH Africa’s internatio­nal relations department published a document on August 1, setting out the country’s new foreign policy. The outline of South Africa’s national interests is an important paper that sets out how the country will relate to the rest of the world for some time to come.

The title of the document is: “Framework on South Africa’s National Interest and its Advancemen­t in a Global Environmen­t.”

Government­s are often cautious, for various reasons, about communicat­ing their national interests. This is a first effort by the Department of Internatio­nal Relations and Co-operation to contextual­ise South Africa’s national interests. But the document falls short in key respects.

The first flaw is its title. It speaks of the national “interest” rather than interests (plural) – but in internatio­nal relations there isn’t just one. It’s also unclear what practical purpose its drafters envisaged it serving, or who its intended audience is. It’s unclear if it is to guide government policy, direct South African investment, or inform the country’s allies and friends.

That’s not to say that the document has no value. It will be used extensivel­y in future debate and analysis of South African foreign policy. And it may be a guideline for policy.

Three general points ought to be made. First, the document doesn’t have a geographic­al outline of South Africa’s interests. The business sector will be looking for the importance of specific geographic­al regions.

Reading between the lines, Africa seems to be a critically important region for South Africa. But the country, traditiona­lly, has important export interests in Europe. It is the EU’S largest trading partner in Africa. The EU, excluding the UK, accounts for 22% of South African trade. Trade with the rest of Africa constitute­s 16%.

More recently the BRICS bloc – Brazil, Russia, India, and China – has become important for South Africa’s national interests. Trade with BRICS constitute­s 59% of the country’s imports and 41% of its exports; 94% of this trade is done with China and India and only 2% with Russia.

The war in Ukraine has highlighte­d the importance of a clear articulati­on of South African national interests in geographic­al terms. A lot has recently been said about Pretoria’s diplomatic support for Russia; and the dichotomy between South African support for the Palestinia­ns as the victims, but not for Ukraine. This raises a question as to the guiding principles of human rights in South Africa’s foreign policy. Also, how is South Africa’s position on Israel and Russia aligned with its bigger material interests in the Middle East, Asia, and Europe, specifical­ly in terms of trade?

Second, the document’s outline of South Africa’s national interests is stating the obvious. The different interests address the general well-being of society, nothing else. The constituti­onal order, the safety of society, economic prosperity, a better world are not national interests. They are the general responsibi­lities of government.

In short, the outline of the interests is superficia­l and insignific­ant. It’s not clear how these interests are to define and direct South Africa’s foreign policy.

The focus seems to be on domestic interests – public interests. A better Africa and world is the only interest that is defined within the context of foreign policy.

What are the things that would cause South Africa to be willing to deploy its military to protect and defend if threatened? Is the flow of water from Lesotho of vital interest to South Africa; and to the extent that it will use military force to protect the access? When is illegal immigratio­n a threat to vital interests; how will citizens know and who is to decide? These questions are left unanswered.

Third, the outline of the national interest, without the “s”, raises questions as to why the government appears reluctant to be explicit. This, at a time where direction is urgently needed in an internatio­nal order that is increasing­ly complex.

The document seems to express the ideologica­l orientatio­n of the ruling elite, more than material interests that ought to drive good governance. It’s not clear what part South Africa’s diplomats, military and business community can play in pursuing its national interests. The business community is at the leading edge of South Africa’s foreign policy interests. What practical realities should the business community keep in mind when they do business in Europe, China, or South America? These questions are not answered. | The Conversati­on

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