Daily News

It is said that burglars stole about $600 000 in cash from President Cyril Ramaphosa’s Phala Phala farmhouse in February 2020 – far less than the millions of dollars initially speculated to have been taken. Twitter reacted



Did he declare it with Sars? Did he report the theft to the police? These are the important questions, not how much was stolen or where the buyer came from.


This $600 000 stolen may be far less than assumed, but still: 1) Had it been declared to Sars? 2) Foreign exchange regulation­s violated. 3) thieves were paid cash to keep quiet. So it was still unlawful transactio­ns pointing to corruption.


They stole some and left some, that’s what was said. If they stole $600k how much was left? Besides that, the limited amount one must have is only $10k, more than that is money laundering. So he is still in deep waters.


Is it legal to keep $600 000 in your home? Did he report the breakin? Who bought whatever with that foreign currency? Was it declared at entry points (customs)? If an answer to all these questions is yes, then Ramaphosa has committed no wrong except Marikana.


We all knew this has more to do with the upcoming ANC elective conference and once the conference has passed we will never ever hear about it ever again ... so please do not involve us in this non-starter case. President never had a case to answer from onset.


Those who say or overheard that the money was so much could not even today prove in anyway to make their invalid statements be validated. The president said, ‘yes there was money stolen’, and it is below what other people are saying or what Arthur Fraser is mentioning.


The numbers will change every day. Let them correct each other, President Ramaphosa. People and their political leaders are paddling propaganda and lies out of desperatio­n. Ramaphosa is dealing with them nicely.


An adult person is only allowed R1 million in foreign currency in his or her possession. Cyril had nearly R10m. He committed a crime and should step aside, or does the rule only apply to some?


As the media scrambles to reduce the number, so that it falls below the allowable number that will trigger a prosecutio­n from the US.


That is how much the burglars stole. We are also interested in how much in total he had under his mattresses. And all the questions advocate Mkhwebane asked him.

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