Daily News

Trump steals Hillary’s ‘worst slogan’


US PRESIDENT Donald Trump is now claiming what he called Hillary Clinton’s “worst slogan” as his own.

At a rally in El Paso, Texas, on Monday, the president ripped off the “Stronger Together” slogan that was plastered across Clinton’s presidenti­al campaign two years ago.

“I love this state. And I love the people of this state. We have had a great romance together. You know that. It’s been a great romance,” Trump said from the stage at the El Paso County Coliseum. “And we are only getting stronger together.”

A day later, after the GOP tweeted out the quote, Clinton jumped in.

“Now copy my plan on healthcare, a fairer tax system and voting rights,” the former secretary of state tweeted on Tuesday.

This wouldn’t be the first time Trump has stolen a catchphras­e; his “Make America Great Again” slogan is copied almost exactly from former president Ronald Reagan’s 1980 presidenti­al campaign slogan: “Let’s make America great again.”

The RNC wasn’t interested in Clinton’s complaint. “When you lose your campaign, you lose your monopoly on any slogans,” RNC spokespers­on Steve Guest said in a statement to the New York Daily News.

It also responded to her on Twitter with an offer. “How about this: We’ll give you your slogan back if you run again.”

But barely four months ago, Trump was mocking the very slogan he ripped off from his opponent.

“Remember Hillary’s slogan? That was the worst slogan. She paid like a million dollars for some guy to make the slogan and after I dissected it at one speech, they changed it the next day,” he said in October at a rally in Missoula, Montana. “‘Come together’ or something. She’s a great unifier. Crooked Hillary is a great unifier.”

Apparently, it’s not the worst anymore. | dpa African News Agency (ANA) LOS ANGELES: Singers Usher, and Rich the Kid were assaulted in a robbery at the Westlake Recording Studio in Los Angeles yesterday.

As many as 10 shots were fired, said witnesses. The police swarmed the scene but were unsure of the number of assailants. Money and jewellery were allegedly stolen. African News Agency (ANA)

 ??  ?? right, | dpa NAIROBI: Kenyan human rights activist Caroline Mwatha, who fought against police brutality and extra-judicial killings, has been found dead, six days after she went missing, police said yesterday.She died trying to abort a pregnancy and six people have been arrested, police said.| Reuters African News Agency (ANA)
right, | dpa NAIROBI: Kenyan human rights activist Caroline Mwatha, who fought against police brutality and extra-judicial killings, has been found dead, six days after she went missing, police said yesterday.She died trying to abort a pregnancy and six people have been arrested, police said.| Reuters African News Agency (ANA)

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