Daily News

Smart streetligh­ts may cut energy use by 80%


HUAWEI said yesterday that its newly launched Connected City Lighting Solution would reduce energy used by municipal lighting by 80%.

A statement from the Chinese technology giant said it was debuting “the industry’s first Internet of Things (IoT) lighting solution with multilevel intelligen­t control” at Cebit, the internatio­nal computer expo in Hannover, Germany, this week.

Huawei said the Connected City Lighting Solution connects streetligh­ts to the IoT using a geographic-based informatio­n system, enabling cities to enhance the control and performanc­e of every streetligh­t.

The statement added: “The solution provides municipal managers with status informatio­n on each lamp in every street and enables precise control of on-off switches and brightness of individual street lamps, allowing o n - demand lighting and a reduc- tion in energy consumptio­n by up to 80%.”

According to The Climate Group, the internatio­nal nonprofit group that works with government, business and civil society leaders to facilitate the global transition to a prosperous, low-carbon economy, lighting accounts for nearly 6% of global greenhouse gas emissions, or 1 900 million tons a year.


Huawei said according to Climate Group, there were about 304 million street lights around the world, with the number expected to reach 352 million by 2025.

While these lights bring convenienc­e to people’s lives, and are a crucial security feature in unsafe neighbourh­oods around the world, they consume a vast amount of energy and cost municipali­ties a lot.

Huawei says its lighting solution would not only increase energy efficiency and lower costs, but would also allow for better management and prevent failures. – ANA

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