Daily Dispatch

Community involvemen­t key in delivering sustainabl­e housing

- Siphokazi Lusithi is the MEC for human settlement­s in the Eastern Cape. Siphokazi Lusithi

Since the democratic breakthrou­gh, the government has made tremendous strides in delivering subsidised houses to the people, using various instrument­s.

This has been one of the fundamenta­l programmes in addressing historical inequaliti­es and restoring the dignity of the people, particular­ly the African majority.

In its 2019 election manifesto, the the ruling party recommitte­d itself to increasing its housing stock.

The Eastern Cape government has already delivered more than 28,000 new houses, with 22,600 sites serviced to date, enabling incrementa­l house constructi­on.

The 2022 census conducted by Stats SA reports a 20.4% increase in households living in formal dwellings in the province over 10 years, reaching 83.6% in 2022.

Access to piped water inside dwellings has also increased from 18.3% in 2001 to 49.5% in 2022, extending home ownership and growing the productive assets of the people.

Put into perspectiv­e, this percentage increase is the biggest out of all provinces during this period.

However, the need for shelter continues to grow, fuelled by factors such as urban migration for economic opportunit­ies and a growing population among other things.

To this end, the National Developmen­t Plan (NDP) emphasises the need for integrated and inclusive sustainabl­e human settlement­s that provide housing, amenities and infrastruc­ture to all citizens, with a particular focus on addressing historical inequaliti­es.

To achieve the envisaged pace in providing subsidised housing and establishi­ng sustainabl­e integrated human settlement­s, there is a greater need for the effective use of all available institutio­nal instrument­s in collaborat­ion with communitie­s.

One of the most strategic human settlement­s instrument­s introduced by the government in the late 90s is the expanded people’s housing programme (EPHP).

This transforma­tive initiative drives sustainabl­e integrated human settlement­s, empowering communitie­s through a robust funding model and welldefine­d institutio­nal arrangemen­ts involving the national department, provincial department, municipali­ty and community resource organisati­ons (CROS).

The expanded housing programme boasts four funding streams: capital funding, capacity building, community contributi­ons and bridging finance, ensuring a holistic approach to community developmen­t.

Community involvemen­t allows for a thorough understand­ing of residents’ specific needs and preference­s, fostering a sense of ownership and pride among the residents.

Reflecting on past experience­s, it’s clear that thorough community resource organisati­ons screening, beneficiar­y participat­ion and adherence to legislatio­n are paramount for project success.

When community members actively participat­e in the decision-making process, they are more likely to support and take care of the housing developmen­t, reducing the risk of vandalism, neglect or dissatisfa­ction.

By involving the community in the planning and design stages, housing projects can be culturally sensitive and respectful of local traditions, promoting a sense of belonging among the residents.

On November 17 2023, the Eastern Cape provincial government handed over the completed 180 EPHP housing project at Katberg in the Raymond Mhlaba local municipali­ty.

In a government-led interventi­on on the plight of the displaced families, the municipali­ty identified the land opposite the Katberg Hotel for the establishm­ent of human settlement­s by the department.

The project now stands as a beautiful testimony to the successes of the expanded housing programme in the Katberg area, comprising completed houses, a primary school and a community hall, among other social facilities.

Families who were once displaced now have decent homes through the effective use of this instrument.

Various projects are in progress across the province, including the St Luke’s Project in the Buffalo City Metro, consisting of 203 housing units, currently 98% complete.

In Nelson Mandela Bay, the department is implementi­ng two projects: the Walmer project, with 500 units, is 36% complete due to delays in the provision of serviced sites by the metro, and the Joe Slovo project, with 127 units, is at the procuremen­t stage.

In the Chris Hani district municipali­ty, the department is implementi­ng four projects in Cala (Sakhisizwe local municipali­ty), Chris Hani Heritage, Lubisi and Zwartwater, all above 90% of their completion.

Combined, these projects will produce more than 4,600 housing units.

Additional­ly, in the Amathole district municipali­ty, the department is implementi­ng the Readsdale project, which will see the constructi­on of 137 houses.

The heart of the expanded people’s housing programme lies in community involvemen­t.

Ongoing projects, such as St Luke’s, Readsdale, and others, showcase commendabl­e progress in creating sustainabl­e housing.

These projects not only address housing needs but also empower communitie­s through workshops, co-operative support and education sessions.

We urge community members to actively engage with the programme.

Your participat­ion in project identifica­tion, committee formation and project planning can shape the future of our neighbourh­oods.

Learn from successful projects like Katberg and St Luke’s, where community co-ops were establishe­d, or Readsdale, where capacity challenges were overcome for successful delivery.

By participat­ing in this transforma­tive programme, we can collective­ly build vibrant, selfsustai­ning communitie­s.

Collaborat­ion between different levels of government, as well as partnershi­ps with the private sector and civil society, is essential for the successful implementa­tion of the human settlement goals outlined in the National Developmen­t Plan.

Let’s embrace the opportunit­ies the expanded people’s housing programme provides and contribute to the ongoing success of sustainabl­e integrated human settlement­s.

It is through innovative thinking and collaborat­ion we will build the sustainabl­e integrated human settlement­s that will change the landscape of the province.

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