Daily Dispatch

Dancing teen set to fly SA flag


An Eastern Cape teen will represent SA at an internatio­nal dance competitio­n in Singapore, determined to defend her hard-won crown.

Acrobatic dancer Joy Vellem, 14, is the only South African entering the battle to bring a trophy home.

She is to represent the country at the Get The Beat Dance finals, which are scheduled to run from December 16 to 24.

Joy, accompanie­d by her sister, leaves on Monday. But scooping awards at internatio­nal competitio­ns is not something new for this pint-sized young twinkle-toes — she has already participat­ed in many dance competitio­ns across the world and is fast making a name for herself in dance circles.

Last year she came third in the world acrobatic dance competitio­n and was named dancer of the year in Thailand.

This year Joy will be battling it out with a host of other talented internatio­nal dancers to defend her crown.

Her love for dance began when she was 11. She was inspired by videos she watched on the internet. She was certain that one day she would make her name in dance circles.

“I used to borrow my parents’ phone to watch people on Youtube showcase their skills,” she said.

One day, out with her father, they saw an acrobatics studio.

“My father and I were at the mall and we walked past an acrobatics studio. He asked if I wanted to join. I said yes since I was really fascinated.”

She said she was nervous for the upcoming competitio­n but was grateful for the opportunit­y to represent the country.

“I am both excited and nervous at the same time. I am looking forward to the dance but at the same time being on the stage is nerve-racking.”

What she loves most about dance is its uniqueness.

“It is rare to find it, especially in schools. My school has sport — other children do netball, soccer and many other things, except dancing.

“Though performing is nerve-racking, the excitement when I get on the stage doesn’t leave me.

“You get discipline, consistenc­y and commitment from it.”

Joy said even though she was nervous, she was proud to know she was representi­ng her country.

Her father, Aron Vellem, said the family were thrilled with her consistenc­y and growth.

Vellem said when Joy started dancing they did not regard it as something serious, but had seen through her commitment that she meant business.

“We never took this sport seriously; we did not even know what acrobatics was until we saw her performing.

“We never thought it was something she would grow into like this. She started in 2018 in August and started lessons very late but by November she was the best newcomer.”

Vellem said it was during that period that the family realised the passion their daughter had for dance.

“It was then I realised that she loved it with all her heart, and we had to support her. We realised as the family that this may be her career.”

Vellem said the family was excited and nervous for their daughter.

“This is because she is the only one with the responsibi­lity of placing the name of SA on the map.”

 ?? Picture: SUPPLIED ?? GOING PLACES: Joy Vellem has no doubt she will make her name in world dance circles.
Picture: SUPPLIED GOING PLACES: Joy Vellem has no doubt she will make her name in world dance circles.

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