Daily Dispatch

The Manhattans prove they still have the magic

East London fans thrilled by old and new hits


Throngs of fans opened their arms and reached out for Gerald Alston and his Manhattans, expressing a love that has endured for over 50 years.

And Alston, Troy May and Lawrence “Weas” Newton, resplenden­t in their shining silver dinner jackets, cascaded down to meet them.

It was all groove, man, as the trio looked fresh and smooth, performing their revered hits and new tracks at the Heart & Soul Experience at East London’s Abbotsford Christian Centre on Friday night.

The only original member since 1970, Alston, 71, sang runs and riffs in perfect pitch and mingled with fans for hugs and pictures without missing a beat.

The Grammy award-winning artists brought their signature flair, dancing in unison, singing in harmony and greeting the 500-plus audience members who waited over an hour to see their idols.

They performed their top hits and gave a taste of their new album, The Legacy Continues.

The Manhattans were last in SA in 2019, but this was their first visit to the Eastern Cape.

In a surprising moment of flair, lead guitarist Mark Bowers hit a crazy solo and plucked at the strings with his teeth and tongue.

Organiser Simpiwe Myataza, of Isim Biz Events Company, looked down proudly from the VIP gallery as the show went on.

To his far right sat BCM mayor Xola Pakati with his entourage, who had welcomed the group to the city earlier in the day.

The insects of East London also came out to party. Giant moths fluttered about the stage and in the lights, sat on the black curtains, and a bat flew around the ceiling between guests in the VIP box.

The ensemble of young Xhosa dancers who opened the show sat stage left.

Alston thanked them and said how wonderful it was to have been met by their singing and dancing at the airport.

The finale meant we all had to Kiss & Say Goodbye to an evening of elation.

But the crowd would not let them go, and the Manhattans looked delighted to stay for one more song. The audience were on their feet, singing along with every word.

Taking their final bow together, the trio sang their language of love and left the stage.

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 ?? Pictures: THEO JEPTHA ?? MAGICAL EVENING: The Manhattans had East Londoners on their feet during a packed show at the Abbotsford Christian Centre last Friday. The musicians performed old classics as well as new songs.
Pictures: THEO JEPTHA MAGICAL EVENING: The Manhattans had East Londoners on their feet during a packed show at the Abbotsford Christian Centre last Friday. The musicians performed old classics as well as new songs.

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