Daily Dispatch

Pupils’ lives being ruined by exam plan 'joke'

- Jonathan Jansen

The government’s plan for the end-of-year examinatio­ns for grades 10 and 11 is a joke — except it will ruin the lives of tens of thousands of children and that makes Circular S7 of 2020’s “revised promotion requiremen­ts” no laughing matter at all. It really is a pity that our journalism is so weak as to swallow the official line in headlines like “Government scraps final exams”. It did nothing of the sort.

Let’s begin with the before and after Covid-19 picture for assessment in these two senior grades. Before, a pupil’s final mark was based on a schoolbase­d assessment (SBA) mark (25%) and a formal examinatio­n at the end of the year (75%, composed of 2 three-hour exams). Now, the SBA mark jumps to 60% and the end-of-year exam contributi­on is reduced to 40%. Before, the subject exam was typically composed of two papers of 150 marks each completed over three hours each. Now, that exam is a single, consolidat­ed paper of two hours only.

Why is this happening? There is the official reason and then there is the truth. In a nutshell, the department says that the change was necessary because of the loss of teaching time due to the pandemic-enforced lockdown. Since schoolbase­d assessment­s (forget the misnomer for the moment) are less prescripti­ve and includes project work that students could do at home during the lockdown, weighting the final assessment towards these kinds of assessment­s makes logical sense.

Since the examinatio­ns tend to focus on formal teaching, not enough work was covered even with the so-called “trimmed” or reduced curriculum to provide sufficient content for a twopaper, three-hour examinatio­n in the different subjects.

Now take a closer look. The real reason for shifting the majority of marks towards the SBAs is that for as long as I can remember this was regarded as a way of making easy marks to offset the more rigorous end-ofyear exams. So lax is the SBA requiremen­t that you could waste a year and make up this mark up to three weeks before the final exam. It is widely regarded as a sop to weaker students whereby teachers could be generous in the allocation of marks. In the new arrangemen­ts, a pupil could pass without even writing the final exam.

The department’s logic for an exam based on watered-down content, as one official put it, comes to us in the form of this piece of intellectu­al wizardry: “content not taught cannot be assessed”. Hello? I have been making this point forever that in pre-pandemic times there was already a significan­t and enduring gap in the instructio­nal time that children in the 80% disadvanta­ged schools received compared to those in the 20% more privileged schools. Yet the examinatio­ns went ahead like clockwork as if every pupil was in fact taught the full content for assessment. It was a lie then, and it is a lie now.

It is not surprising at all, according to my sources, that the more privileged schools have asked and plan to continue with a full-scale examinatio­n.

Why? Because in those schools the curriculum has been covered through a combinatio­n of face-to-face, online, and blended learning.

When the president announced the lockdown, fully online, synchronou­s teaching continued as if nothing had happened. There are even some schools wanting to continue the tradition of writing cluster papers for Grade 11s where pupils from a group of schools write a rigorous common paper in preparatio­n for the all-important Grade 12 examinatio­n in the next year.

My point is that none of these new arrangemen­ts by the department of education redresses this glaring inequity in the provision of education that always existed in the 80/20 split and was simply made more obvious and glaring by the pandemic.

By its own admission, the department is already planning “catch-up” classes in 2021 for its failure to remedy the inequality of provisioni­ng in this school year. The problem of course is that you cannot “catch up” with the children of the privileged who are streaking ahead, and this stubborn fact will reflect in even more unequal academic outcomes for generation­s to come. Don ’ t confuse “making up” lost time with “catching up” on inbred inequaliti­es in the school system; that is certainly not what these plans are about.

Change the nomenclatu­re if you wish and call an examinatio­n a controlled test. The unalterabl­e truth is that the new promotion arrangemen­ts are intended to make it easier to pass at the expense of providing a high-quality education for all our children that does not use examinatio­ns as a foil to cover up the failures of the government’s department of basic education.

Not enough work was covered even with the so-called “trimmed” or reduced curriculum

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