Daily Dispatch

Media can’t prevent EFF’s poll participat­ion

- Ranjeni Munusamy

“Can you cook?” a politician asked me a few days ago. I considered saying yes but realised the truth would be easily establishe­d if he decided to invite himself to dinner.

I cannot be bothered to fake cooking skills – or anything else for that matter.

My inability to conjure up spicy marvels in the kitchen is just one of the things that conflicts with the stereotype of who I am supposed to be.

Recently I bumped into a schoolteac­her of mine.

The conversati­on did not go well – nothing like the heartwarmi­ng stories most people tell about their encounters with their old teachers.

“Oh hello. I thought you would be locked up by now,” he said. “What? What’s that supposed to mean?” I asked.

“Nothing . . . I saw you on TV the other day . . . at the [Zondo] commission.

“I’m reporting on it, not appearing as an accused in state capture,” I scowled. “I know. Still . . . ” he trailed off.

It would be mortifying if I had been a conformist in a house of delegates education system in the apartheid state. Being cheeky and contemptuo­us of authority that was meant to produce cultured and compliant South Africans of Indian descent made me a misfit, which I suppose I still am.

So it was quite startling to read a message on my Twitter timeline recently that said I was not worthy of being raped because I am Indian.

This amid the furore over talk-show host Karima Brown being threatened with murder and rape after her number was posted on Twitter by EFF leader Julius Malema.

Malema accused Brown of “sending moles” to an EFF event after she accidental­ly posted a message meant for her colleagues on an EFF WhatsApp group. Women journalist­s like me, who have also been attacked and threatened, have been drawn into the uproar to illustrate there is a pattern of intimidati­on from EFF supporters. Malema and the EFF have refused to accept responsibi­lity for their actions and said in a statement that Brown “is not a journalist, but an openly admitted ANC operative”.

Brown has since opened a case of intimidati­on against the EFF with the police.

She also wants the Electoral Commission of SA (IEC) to remove the EFF from the May ballot for enabling the abuse and threats of violence against her. The police are likely to ignore her complaint as they have done with previous cases of assault and intimidati­on that journalist­s have reported.

While remedies are limited, I am uncomforta­ble with Brown’s campaign to stop the EFF participat­ing in the election. She has argued that a political party that threatens journalist­s and incites sexual violence against women should not be allowed to be part of a constituti­onal democracy.

Brown is correct that the EFF is in contravent­ion of the Electoral Code of Conduct. The code compels candidates and parties to take “all reasonable steps” to ensure that women are free to engage in any political activities and that “journalist­s are not subjected to harassment, intimidati­on, hazard, threat or physical assault by any of their representa­tives or supporters”.

Confronted by reporters about threats against Brown, Malema said no individual should be threatened with rape and action should be taken against those who do so. However, neither he nor his party has made any attempt to stop the harassment of journalist­s.

In December the SA National Editors’ Forum (Sanef) lodged an applicatio­n in the Equality Court to interdict Malema and the EFF from intimidati­ng, harassing, threatenin­g or assaulting journalist­s; expressly or tacitly endorsing such actions; and from publishing our personal informatio­n. I am one of the applicants in the matter based on the threats and harassment I have faced. It is deeply troubling for my colleagues and me to be made political targets, face vitriolic attacks, and be subjected to racist and sexist abuse. It places restrictio­ns on our work, where we go and how we live.

But I do not believe it is the media’s role to decide who should be allowed to partici- pate in our democratic system. Our job is to provide the informatio­n and knowledge, including political commentary, so that voters may decide for themselves who they want to represent them. Our applicatio­n to the Equality Court is petitionin­g for protection so we may continue to do this.

Demanding that the IEC remove the EFF from the ballot, in effect, endorses Malema’s accusation that certain people in the media are his opponents.

I certainly will not conform to the EFF’s preferred mould of journalist­s as mindless transmitte­rs of their messages.

Democracy is hard, especially when other people’s freedoms are harmful to us, when it allows hatred, violence, racism and misogyny to triumph, and when it erodes basic human decency. Yes, there must be consequenc­es and accountabi­lity, but free political choice is also fundamenta­l.

She also wants the IEC to remove the EFF from the May ballot

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