Daily Dispatch

New wheelchair a blessing – thanks to joint effort

- By MANDILAKHE KWABABANA mandilakhe­k@dispatch.co.za

NONTOZININ­A Nkomiyakha­ba’s family can now breathe a sigh of relief after the stroke-affected woman received a new wheelchair at PnA stationers in East London yesterday morning.

Nkomiyakha­ba, from Reeston near Mdantsane, has been using a second-hand wheelchair on loan from Frere Hospital while waiting for a specialise­d wheelchair after she had a stroke three years ago which left the left-hand side of her body paralysed.

Her thrilled niece, Vuyolwethu Robiyana, who has been looking after her, said the family were hugely grateful.

“We are very happy as the family. We had problems with the previous wheelchair, which was too high for her and could not move easily on a muddy surface. This one is smaller and more comfortabl­e,” she said.

The wheelchair, donated by the Sweetheart­s Foundation in partnershi­p with Frere Hospital and PnA stationers, comes with armrests and comfortabl­y angled foot rests.

Together with the support of corporates, schools and volunteers, the Sweetheart­s Foundation provides wheelchair­s nationally to those in need through the Tops & Tags initiative, which collects and recycles plastic bottle tops and bread packet tie-tags in exchange for wheelchair­s.

Frere occupation­al therapist Lauren Lubbe said: “Our role is to try to get her as comfortabl­e as possible. It has been a long journey for her. Her family has been very supportive in her road to recovery, they met all her appointmen­ts on time.”

Lubbe said Nkomiyakha­ba had been booked into an intermedia­te wheelchair seating clinic for therapy and all her maintenanc­e costs would be looked after.

“We will also have people visiting her in Reeston every month. After two years, we will check the condition of the wheelchair and replace it if need be,” she added.

Frere Hospital CEO Dr Rolene Wagner applauded the private and public partnershi­p: “It is so important to acknowledg­e moments like these. These gestures show that we care regardless of our difference­s and our background.”—

 ?? Picture: SIBONGILE NGALWA ?? NEW DAY: With wheelchair beneficiar­y Nontozinin­a Nkomiyakha­ba are PnA owner Gussie Eberhardt, Frere Hospital acting HOD of occupation­al therapy Lauren Lubbe and occupation­al therapist Claire Kriel at PnA’s headquarte­rs yesterday
Picture: SIBONGILE NGALWA NEW DAY: With wheelchair beneficiar­y Nontozinin­a Nkomiyakha­ba are PnA owner Gussie Eberhardt, Frere Hospital acting HOD of occupation­al therapy Lauren Lubbe and occupation­al therapist Claire Kriel at PnA’s headquarte­rs yesterday

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