Daily Dispatch

Doctor on trial in EL for assault


THE East London Magistrate’s Court last week heard that a medical doctor had threatened his estranged wife’s alleged lover with a hammer.

The doctor is on trial on criminal charges of contraveni­ng a protection order, assault and malicious damage to property. He has pleaded not guilty. The court heard that on May 4 Mkhululi Peter and his now ex-wife Annette Peter were at Ampath Laboratori­es in Southernwo­od, East London waiting for a consultati­on when Annette’s lawyer, Mark Fredericks, arrived on the scene and an argument broke out after Fredericks was accused of having an affair with Annette.

Taking the stand on Friday, Annette testified before magistrate Kevin von Bratt that her ex-husband became violent on seeing the attorney at the venue.

“While we were waiting the lawyer came in and spoke to me.

“My husband started swearing, saying the lawyer did not have morals as he was sleeping with a married woman.

“He then went to fetch a hammer [from his vehicle] and came back carrying a hammer saying he wanted to deal with the lawyer.” Fredericks fled out a back door. Annette said she later left to attend a conference with 20 colleagues and her husband followed her there.

“He approached where I was seated and said ‘are you coming or what?’ He then pushed me to the floor and withdrew a hammer from his waist and started kicking me,” said Annette, adding her colleagues – including the man who was chairing the meeting – fled in fear.

Annette said security guards came to restrain her husband, who was shouting allegation­s at her. She rushed to the East London police station to report the matter.

She further testified that her husband had entered her Gonubie home armed with a brick the following morning and threatened her. “I heard a noise outside while I was preparing my child for school. I looked outside and saw him smashing the windows of my BMW using a brick. I started calling police. He came to the sliding door and smashed it using a brick. “He then forced it open.” The damage amounted to R58 000. Peter denies the incidents took place. The trial was postponed to March 17.

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