Daily Dispatch

Poor report card for world press freedom

Americas fare the worst, says index


WORLD press freedom deteriorat­ed last year, especially in the Americas, advocacy group Reporters Without Borders said yesterday as it released its annual rankings, warning of “a new era of propaganda”.

The World Press Freedom Index ranks 180 countries on indicators such as media independen­ce, self-censorship, the rule of law, transparen­cy and abuses.

This year’s report warned of a climate of fear that had seen world leaders “developing a form of paranoia about legitimate journalism”.

Secretary-general of the Paris-based group, Christophe Deloire, said there had been a decline in all parts of the world, with Latin America of particular concern.

“All of the indicators show a deteriorat­ion. Numerous authoritie­s are trying to regain control of their countries, fearing overly open public debate,” he said.

“Today, it is increasing­ly easy for powers to appeal directly to the public through new technologi­es, and so there is a greater degree of violence against those who represent independen­t informatio­n,” he said.

“We are entering a new era of propaganda where new technologi­es allow the low-cost disseminat­ion of their own communicat­ion, their informatio­n, as dictated.

“On the other side, journalist­s are the ones who get in the way.”

The situation was particular­ly grave in Latin America, the report said, highlighti­ng “institutio­nal violence” in Venezuela and Ecuador, organised crime in Honduras, impunity in Colombia, corruption in Brazil and media concentrat­ion in Argentina as the main obstacles to press freedom.

Among the lowest-ranked countries were Syria, at 177th place out of 180, just below China (176th) but above North Korea (179th) and last-placed Eritrea.

Japan slumped to 72nd due to what the watchdog identified as self-censorship towards Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, while Finland retained its top spot for the sixth consecutiv­e year, followed by the Netherland­s and Norway. While Europe remained the region with the most press freedom, Reporters Without Borders warned that the misuse of counter-terrorist and counter-espionage measures and conflicts of interest had put it on “a downhill course”.

Poland fell a massive 29 places to 49th due to it’s government seeking to restore Polish ownership of foreign-owned Polish media. And France dropped seven places to 45th because “most of the private-sector national media are now owned by a handful of businessme­n with interests in areas of the economy unrelated to the media”.

In Europe, threats to journalist­s were linked to rising nationalis­m which saw death threats in Sweden, which dropped three places to eighth, and attacks on journalist­s during anti-Muslim rallies in Germany (which dropped four spots to 16).

“And finally, it was in Paris that the attack on Charlie Hebdo took place on January 7 2015, an attack mastermind­ed from Yemen. So, Europe was also the victim of the world’s demons,” the report said

In Africa a series of political crises and terrorism continued to erode press freedom. South Sudan dropped 15 places to 140th due to intimidati­on of journalist­s during its civil war.

Efforts by presidents to stay in power in the Republic of Congo (115), Uganda (102) and Djibouti (172) “led to pre-election violence against journalist­s and harsh, government-orchestrat­ed censorship of the media,” the report said.

“As a result of the president’s obstinacy in Burundi (156th), the leading independen­t media were destroyed, more than 100 journalist­s fled abroad and Burundi fell 11 places in the Index,” the report added.

The threat of jihadist groups in Mali – where one group threatened to behead foreign journalist­s – and Nigeria, led to a decline in press freedom in both countries.

In a glowing example of press freedom in Africa, Namibia was the continent’s bestranked country at number 17.

“Its journalist­s are safe, its media landscape is diverse and no restrictio­ns are placed on the internet.” — AFP

 ??  ?? BIG SURPRISE: The World Press Freedom Index ranks Namibia as the continent’s best-ranked country at 17 in terms of global press freedom
BIG SURPRISE: The World Press Freedom Index ranks Namibia as the continent’s best-ranked country at 17 in terms of global press freedom

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