Daily Dispatch

’Woman drove over partner’

Witnesses allege driver went for stricken man’s arm then sped off into night


AN EAST London man was allegedly driven over twice by his furious lover at an upmarket complex in Beacon Bay on Wednesday night.

The incident at Villa Toscana left the man with suspected fractures to an arm and a leg.

Traumatise­d neighbours said there had been a loud quarrel at 10.30pm.

The man allegedly stood in front of the woman’s luxury car and then flung himself onto the bonnet.

She drove over his leg but when he was down, said eyewitness­es, she reversed over him, this time driving over his arm.

Then she allegedly drove off leaving him screaming and crying.

Witnesses insisted the man was down on the ground when she reversed over his arm.

Neighbours called an ambulance and the police.

Police spokeswoma­n Warrant Officer Hazel Mqala said no case had been opened nor any informatio­n recorded.

A source, who said he helped cover the injured man with a blanket, said: “I just heard screeching tyres and after that I saw the woman running over the guy. He was really injured and it looked as if his leg was broken. He was crying right up until the paramedics arrived.”

Another neighbour, who wrote on her Facebook page about the incident, said: “Seeing her run over the arm was traumatic. Never heard a man scream like that . . . She ran over the leg, then reversed, then went for the arm, then drove off.”

The Daily Dispatch visited the complex yesterday. Security guards said the woman had been confronted about the incident, but she said the quarrel between her and her boyfriend had been “resolved”.

Alderson’s operations manager Jason Leicester said their crews arrived shortly after 10.30pm.

“They found a man in his early 30s who had been hit by a motor vehicle. His injuries were of a moderate nature, which included possible fractures of the left arm and lower leg,” Leicester said.

The man was taken to Life St Dominic’s Hospital in Southernwo­od.

Villa Toscana’s managing agent, Carol Pullen, said the incident was between two people and any further developmen­ts or follow-up action would be discussed internally.

“That was a domestic incident and does not reflect on what happens at the complex.” —

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