Daily Dispatch

Mom claims Frere caused baby’s death

‘Ignored and in pain for four days’


ADUNCAN Village teenager who lost her baby at Frere Hospital in September has accused nurses of negligence after she was allegedly left for days without attention.

Unam Hlekiso said as a result her baby was stillborn after she had been in labour for more than four days.

But the provincial department of health defended staff, saying they had delayed the procedure in order to save the life of the young mother. The department denied responsibi­lity for the baby’s death.

Speaking to the Daily Dispatch, Unam, 17, said her mother, Olivia Hlekiso, begged nurses in the hospital’s maternity ward to take her to theatre for a caesarean delivery.

“There was just no assistance in that hospital. I could feel that my child was moving but there was just nothing I could do. I asked those nurses and all they told me [was] that they were attending to emergencie­s. For four days I waited in pain,” she said.

Health spokesman Sizwe Kupelo said the matter had been investigat­ed and the death explained to the family.

“There was no negligence from the staff. There has been no breach of protocol,” he said.

“The delay was done to save the young mother’s life as well, but unfortunat­ely we can’t discuss more of this in the public domain.”

The teenager was due to give birth on September 9 but was told by staff at Frere’s maternity unit to return a week later.

“When I went back there the nurses ignored me and no one was there for me as my mother was at work. I sat on the chair for more than 12 hours until I decided to go home,” she alleged.

Unam said she returned the following day and claimed she was again left unattended. Her mother went with her and asked nurses to help.

“I could feel that the time had arrived, but there was no way I could give birth without assistance. I wanted a C-section but I was ignored,” said Unam.

“They kept me there for four days. It was only on September 22 that a visiting medical doctor managed to help.

“The doctor was furious, saying I nearly died because of what I went through and the ignorance of staff.”

Hlekiso said she was devastated by the death of her grandchild.

“When Unam was finally assisted through a C-section it was too late. My question is why my daughter was allowed to be in pain for days without any help?

“I need answers, but Frere management is not assisting me,” she said.

“It’s four months now without answers from them.”

The family said they were considerin­g legal options open to them. “If I need to go to court I will. They killed my grandchild, who was healthy and weighed more than 4kg.”

Kupelo said staff worked under strenuous conditions and allegation­s such as these were demoralisi­ng.

“We are not dismissing their concerns, but we will communicat­e with the family to clarify this,” said Kupelo. —

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