Daily Dispatch

BCM mayor tight-lipped on shake-up

Councillor­s demand answers


BUFFALO City Metro (BCM) executive mayor Zukiswa Ncitha yesterday failed to explain to council how a decision to reshuffle her mayoral committee was reached.

Ncitha also failed to provide an explanatio­n on delays in appointmen­t of administra­tion’s executive directors. These critical posts have been vacant since BCM assumed its metropolit­an status after local government elections in 2011.

The Daily Dispatch last week reported that mayoral committee members Nomiki Mgezi, who was head of housing portfolio, and Rufus Rwexu, head of health and public safety portfolio, had been booted out.

The two were allegedly removed on instructio­n of the ANC after they failed to endorse certain individual­s for executive director positions in the municipali­ty.

Ncitha yesterday officially informed council that veteran councillor Sindiswa Gomba was to take over from Mgezi while deputy mayor and ANC regional treasurer Temba Tinta will double as a “caretaker” in Rwexu’s post until a suitable deployee is found.

The Dispatch understand­s that the pending appointmen­t of executive directors, which has placed the ANC at odds with its alliance partner the SACP, is said to be the reason for the reshuffle.

Council is solely responsibl­e for the appointmen­t of these senior administra­tors. However, the Pumlani Mkolo-led ANC regional executive intervened and made recommenda­tions to mayoral committee heads, including Rwexu and Mgezi, who are both active SACP members.

The ANC accused Rwexu and Mgezi of defying party orders to appoint ANC deployees into vacant director positions.

In Mgezi’s ex-directorat­e, the Dispatch understand­s the ANC wants Dr Sijaku Mbanga, provincial human settlement department’s chief operations officer, to take over as directorat­e head.

Mgezi and his selection panel are said to have preferred former COPE leader and acting directorat­e head Thabo Matiwane.

Yesterday’s attempts by councillor­s to get clarity from Ncitha on when these critical posts will be filled drew a blank, with the mayor promising an update by mid-December.

PAC councillor Jerome Mdyolo yesterday tabled a motion demanding Ncitha update council on progress in the appointmen­ts.

ANC councillor Sakhumzi Caga joined in and said, “the issue of these appointmen­ts has been dragging for ages and we cannot allow it to drag towards 2016, it must be finalised this year”.

“The report on these appointmen­ts is long overdue and that is unaccepted,” Caga said.

DA’s Johannes Green said councillor­s needed to find out if delays were politicall­y or administra­tion delays.

African Christians Democratic Party’s Monwabisi Quse demanded that Ncitha explain her logic in reshufflin­g her mayoral committee. —

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