Daily Dispatch

Smooth greens as bowler weds


SOGGY Saturday could not stop former Border Bowls player Tinus Terblanche from marrying the love of his life, Debbie Strydom, at the King William’s Town Bowling Club.

Instead, despite worrying a bit about the weather, the couple decided to view the showers as a sign from God.

“God has blessed our marriage. He was looking down on us crying tears of joy when it rained on our wedding day. It was also a sign that we are going to be happy in our marriage. It is a blessing from God,” she said.

The wedding, which was supposed to start at 3.30pm started 35 minutes late – when the rain had stopped briefly making it easier for the bride and groom to walk on the green. Barefoot. Strydom had beautiful bracelets around her ankle and down her toes.

Strydom’s son, Dane, walked her down the aisle lined with flowers and bowls leading to a gazebo tent on the green.

The couple


their vows and then went inside the club where 80 guests were entertaine­d with music and drinks.

The normal plain walls inside the bowling club were decorated, giving it a beautiful wedding reception feel.

Strydom said they decided to walk on the green because Terblanche was a former bowler.

They thought it would be romantic if they got married barefoot because this was where her husband spent most of his time doing what he enjoyed.

“He loves bowling and it was lovely to walk on soft grass. It was so pleasant,” she said.

Terblanche works for the South African Police Services and Strydom works in a finance department for Pick n Pay.

Strydom said she met Terblanche when she and her sister went to watch a game of darts four years ago.

“Every Monday night he plays darts and on that evening when I went there, he said he knew right there that I was going to be his wife,” said a blushing Strydom.

Since then they have been inseparabl­e.

The couple shared their first night as newly weds at Twins Guest House and yesterday morning had their first breakfast as Mr and Mrs with their family at their King William’s Town home.

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