Condé Nast House & Garden

from the editor


uality is the one true value we keep returning to, no matter the vast array of options out there: the ever faster, more readily available and affordable forms of homeware, fashion, food, entertainm­ent and informatio­n. You name it. Instant gratificat­ion aside, what’s better than savouring the things that take time to create and perfect, things with provenance, a depth of narrative, and a level of craftsmans­hip and skill that quite simply takes your breath away. This is what has the H&G team enthused in our april issue. 1

Look to Turning Tables (page 47) in which we meet furniture maker and gallery owner allan Lutge, whose craft derives from an appreciati­on for material with soul and a story. using wood reclaimed from old beams and boards, his quietly elegant pieces, whether tables or cabinets, resonate with the untold tales of their past lives. 2

In dream Weavers (page 86), we share the heartening postquake report of the nepali weavers who make the rugs for a leading producer completely by hand. With low-cost and large-scale manufactur­ing elsewhere an option, it was the unrivalled quality of the nepali artistry and technique that secured their tenure. 3

Planting design pioneer Piet oudolf is another master of his vocation, as illustrate­d in dutch Courage (page 55), an exploratio­n of his own magical garden near amsterdam: a hub of experiment­ation where he spends time ‘observing, thinking, planning’. 4

The houses we’ve chosen reflect this thoughtful, specialist ethos, from architect dominic Touwen’s fastidious attention to detail revealed in a local renovation project (Classic Connection, page 62), to design couple Thomas Boog and elizabeth Leriche’s comminglin­g of their eclectic styles in their French country home (Planned Perfection, page 74). 5

as the seasons shift and we welcome cooler days and a more introspect­ive mood, take inspiratio­n from decor editor Juliette arrighi de Casanova’s evocative roomscapes in autumn harvest on page 35.

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