Cape Times

Expert advice on how to achieve Ariana Grande’s glowing complexion


INTERNATIO­NALLY renowned musician Ariana Grande is widely considered as one of the world’s most striking beauties.

Much of her attraction is attributed to her flawless skin. With this in mind, experts at beauty and wellness marketplac­e, Fresha, have researched the Thank U, Next hitmaker’s skincare routine and provided tips on achieving her gorgeous complexion, in just a few easy steps.

“Ariana Grande’s consistent­ly flawless appearance is so much simpler than you’d think and all products included in her routine are affordable and accessible,” they said.

Skin cleanse

Cleansing your skin is a key step in the pop star’s routine as it helps keep the skin fresh and prevent blemishes, the experts said. “It is probably overlooked in most skin routines as scrubbing your face can be tedious and seem pointless, yet a simple scrub can help keep your skin clear.”

They added that a study from Practical Dermatolog­y demonstrat­es the positive effects a proper cleanse can have on the skin, including removing harmful bacteria that can cause blemishes and breakouts. “Grande has stated that washing her face is just as important as applying products to her skin.”

They explained that she uses anything from a chemical exfoliant to a face scrub to ensure her skin is wellexfoli­ated and impurities like blackheads and dead skin cells are removed before the next applicatio­n step.

Face serum

Grande reportedly swears by a simple, lightweigh­t serum as the base of her skincare routine for a healthy glow.

The experts explained that she previously revealed that she always used a biocell cleanser to transform the texture of her skin so it is smooth and soft. “These face serums are typically water-based and gel or liquid to make applicatio­n easy and hydrate the face.”

“Most face serums contain vitamin C, hyaluronic acid and retinol, which have many skin benefits such as reduced lines, fewer wrinkles and suitabilit­y for sensitive/acne-prone skin.”

Moisturise­r and SPF

A lightweigh­t serum is great for hydration, but to prevent the skin from drying out after a deep cleanse, moisturise­r helps maintain natural oils and brighten skin tone, Fresha added.

“By strengthen­ing the skin moisture barrier, Grande’s skin radiates a natural dewy appearance and protects the skin from drying.”

The musician apparently mixes SPF into her moisturise­r for the ultimate UV protection. The beauty experts said a study by PubMed Central found that sunscreen helps to prevent the skin from coming into direct contact with harmful UVA and UVB rays that can cause significan­t damage.

“In addition, it helps reduce signs of ageing by protecting the skin cells that prevent the appearance of sagging and skin discoloura­tion.”

Under-eye cooling balm

The next step in Grande’s skincare routine is an under-eye cooling balm. “It is greatly beneficial in preventing bags around the eyes and helps reduce ageing in wrinkle-prone areas,” the experts said. They added that the cooling balm also can be worn over make-up as a highlighte­r to complete a glowing finish.

Eye mask

The musician is believed to keep under-eye masks on for between 15 minutes to four hours, depending on how quickly she needs to get ready.

“These masks help prevent undereye wrinkles and soothe her skin before applying makeup,” the Fresha experts said.

Coconut oil

Grande uses coconut oil all over her face and body to help prevent dry skin. “It helps combat skin conditions from dermatitis to eczema and can soothe any inflammati­on that may occur on your face.”

 ?? SINGER Ariana Grande. | Instagram. ??
SINGER Ariana Grande. | Instagram.

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