Cape Times




1 Flat dish, gold, found in

tableland (7)

5 Noisy height of

resentment (5)

8 O, a short female relative in

desert watering place (5)

9 Lowest form of river

vermin (7)

10 Call for servant (4)

11 Centre’s rebuilt round cold

urban road (8)

13 Unusual prize to attach inside haberdashe­ry item (3-8)

17 Purely spiritual wretched

pal needs a pick-me-up (8)

19 Partly admit children are

a source of irritation! (4)

21 Big shops, half of them

by river inlet (7)

22 Abraham’s son is Abraham’s

first, on account (5)

23 Form of quiet primate (5)

24 Reveals former

attitudes (7)


1 Vapour-like (7)

5 Lump, swelling (5)

8 Throw out (of a building) (5)

9 Batting time in cricket (7)

10 Traditiona­l Japanese wrestling (4)

11 Figure of speech (8)

13 Making afraid (11)

17 Elastic (8)

19 Single (4)

21 Dub, name (7)

22 As far as (5)

23 Frequency selector (5)

24 Having bands of colour (7)


1 Help an actor to be on

time (6)

2 Returning, I take a long time with South African spear (7)

3 Cooked eels instead (4)

4 Guess too low a figure – it’s

enumerated wrongly (13)

5 Reporters exert force

on fellows (8)

6 Those waiting to hear from

Bond’s gadget man (5)

7 Property owned in

English country (6)

12 Certainly going in the wrong direction, one French leader absent (2,6)

14 Catches parents out (7)

15 Distresses the superior

groups (6)

16 Uncovers – aw, gee! (6)

18 Mountain had shortened

for Greek character (5)

20 Thin strand in kiwi’s

plumage (4)


1 Unctuous (6)

2 Sparkle (7)

3 Porridge cereal (4)

4 Sharp items

of footwear? (8,5)

5 Brightly coloured handkerchi­ef worn on the head (8)

6 Meal (5)

7 Guarantee (6)

12 Troublemak­er (8)

14 Incessant (3-4)

15 Facet or outlook (6)

16 Facial feature used

for blinking (6)

18 Snitch, tattle (3,2)

20 Cat’s sound (4)

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