Cape Times

Two infant bodies discovered in the city in the space of a week


THE bodies of two infants have been discovered within a week in separate incidents in the city.

In Island informal settlement, Khayelitsh­a, a 29-year-old mother was arrested in relation to burying her infant near her shack on Saturday.

The body was discovered by police while they were attending to the scene of a separate crime.

On Tuesday in Samora Machel, Joe Slovo, another decomposed body of an infant was found wrapped in a green plastic bag at what has become a local dumping site.

Police spokespers­on Joseph Swartbooi said Samora Machel police were investigat­ing the latest incident.

“According to reports, residents called the station and alerted them about a possible concealmen­t of birth. Investigat­ions into the matter continue,” said Swartbooi.

Samora Machel community leader Xolani Joja said the infant’s body was found by residents after a dog showed interest in the bag.

Joja said a nearby pond and children’s park were dangerous and used as dumping sites.

“There is a pond with reeds and next to it is a vandalised children’s park, and this is what residents use as a dumping area.

“Five years back a body of a man was discovered with stab wounds at the same place.

“We are now concerned about the safety of our people,” said Joja.

“I had a meeting with residents in the area and urged them to stop using the park as a dumping site.

“I will engage with the City to fence the area, including the pond, because this is now becoming a norm that bodies are being dumped.

“I also ... urge (women) to at least take a baby to a social worker or any organisati­on that deals with unwanted babies or infants.”

Ilitha Labantu spokespers­on Siyabulela Monakali said the organisati­on was deeply concerned about the increased number of incidents of this nature in townships and informal settlement­s in the province.

“There are places of care that are willing to take in unwanted infants,” said Monakali.

“Stronger efforts need to be implemente­d to educate our communitie­s about services that are available and we will assist in situations where there are unwanted infants.

“This will go a long way in preventing the untimely death of another infant.

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