Cape Times

IBM warns of global spy campaign to steal vaccine ‘cold chain’ secrets


IBM IS sounding the alarm over hackers targeting companies critical to the distributi­on of Covid-19 vaccines, a sign that digital spies are turning their attention to the complex logistical work involved in inoculatin­g the world’s population against Covid-19.

The informatio­n technology company said in a blog post published yesterday that it had uncovered “a global phishing campaign” focused on organisati­ons associated with the Covid-19 vaccine “cold chain” – the process needed to keep vaccine doses at extremely cold temperatur­es as they travel from manufactur­ers to people’s arms.

The US Cybersecur­ity and Infrastruc­ture Security Agency reposted the report, warning members of Operation Warp Speed, the US government’s national vaccine mission, to be on the lookout.

Understand­ing how to build a secure cold chain is fundamenta­l to distributi­ng vaccines developed by the likes of Pfizer Inc and BioNTech SE because the shots need to be stored at -70°C or below to avoid spoiling.

IBM’s cybersecur­ity unit said that it had detected an advanced group of hackers working to gather informatio­n about different aspects of the cold chain, using meticulous­ly crafted booby-trapped emails sent in the name of an executive with Haier Biomedical, a Chinese cold chain provider that specialise­s in vaccine transport and biological sample storage.

The hackers went through “an exceptiona­l amount of effort,” said IBM analyst Claire Zaboeva, who helped draft the report. Hackers researched the correct make, model, and pricing of various Haier refrigerat­ion units, Zaboeva said.

“Whoever put together this campaign was intimately aware of whatever products were involved in the supply chain to deliver a vaccine for a global pandemic,” she said.

Haier Medical did not comment. Messages sent to the email addresses used by the hackers were not returned.

IBM said the bogus Haier emails were sent to around 10 different organisati­ons, however, only identified one target by name: the European Commission’s Directorat­e-General for Taxation and Customs Union, which handles tax and customs issues and has helped set rules on the import of vaccines.

Representa­tives for the directorat­e-general could not immediatel­y be reached for comment.

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