Cape Times

Exploitati­ve multinatio­nals a threat to Zambia


FOR MANY developing nations of the world, an endowment of widely coveted natural resources is as much a blessing as it is a curse.

Although the extraction of these resources provides a means for public revenue, job creation and other socio-economic benefits, the gap between potential and reality is, more often than not, widened by mismanagem­ent, corruption and other preventabl­e factors. At least this much is true in my own Zambia, where for decades precious little has accrued to the people.

Of course, as fate would have it, this experience is not universal.

While generation­s of Zambians have earned a pittance from the extraction of their nation’s natural resources, outsiders have made off with vast fortunes. By some estimates, multinatio­nal mining corporatio­ns have defrauded the country of nearly $3 billion (R44.77bn) in copper revenues since the sector was privatised in 2001.

In 2011 these same firms only paid 2.4 percent of the $10bn of their copper export revenues in tax. To put things in perspectiv­e, this meant that Zambians employed in the mining industry have historical­ly paid a higher tax than their multinatio­nal employers.

Although to us, and countless other citizens of the developing world, these inequitabl­e circumstan­ces are nothing new. Save for the rare exception, these capitalist merchants of the mines employ the same entitled, abusive and unlawful tactics of past imperialis­t powers. It’s fitting then, that some appear to think themselves emperors in their own right.

Since Vedanta Resources acquired a majority stake in Konkola Copper Mines (KCM) in the early 2000s, Anil Agarwal, Vedanta’s chairperso­n, has fancied himself Zambia’s most valuable partner. And, to some extent, this is true.

In the 15-odd years since his company’s acquisitio­n, KCM has grown to become the single largest mining company in Zambia, and in turn the country’s largest private sector employer. Moreover, the company’s direct and indirect contributi­ons to Zambia’s economic and infrastruc­tural developmen­t have been, and continue to be, tremendous. To be sure, Zambia would not be the copper producer it is today without the likes of KCM.

But since the downturn in global copper prices in 2016, what was arguably once a valuable partnershi­p has grown increasing­ly toxic. In these last few years KCM has suffered from dreadful mismanagem­ent and under-performanc­e, and found itself entangled in a series of labour and environmen­tal scandals, all the while shirking its fiscal obligation­s to the government.

What’s more, Vedanta has repeatedly failed to co-operate with tax regulation­s, including the new mining tax regime. And the company repeatedly failed to uphold commitment­s and agreements on investment, production, and management of KCM, opting instead for coercion, and blackmail and fraud to bend Zambia, its generous host, to its will.

Although this is to be expected from a company owned by the likes of Agarwal who, lest we forget, is known to boast of his African exploits to his peers, behaviour truly befitting of a king. Despite this, the Vedanta chairperso­n had the audacity to publicly “warn” Zambia against the steps it is taking to divorce its abusive partner, Vedanta.

Earlier this month ZCCM-IH, the state’s copper investment holdings company and minority stakeholde­r in KCM, filed a provisiona­l liquidatio­n petition with the Lusaka High Court. In effect the move is designed to oust Agarwal’s incompeten­t and indifferen­t Vedanta Resources at the perennial urging of multiple mineworker­s unions, residents of the Copperbelt region and yes, even prominent opposition politician­s.

Neverthele­ss, Agarwal claims to know the wants and needs of the thousands of Zambians this measure is meant to address. His claim that Vedanta’s ousting will “only hurt the nation’s hard-earned democracy and investor-friendly status”, is demonstrab­ly false, if not outright threatenin­g. The truth is that the ongoing ouster is one small part of the government’s broader effort to stand up against the greatest existentia­l threats to Zambian democracy and economic stability – exploitati­ve multinatio­nal corporatio­ns.

This process is not, as Agarwal and other Vedanta executives would suggest, a precursor to nationalis­ation of the mining sector. Rather, it’s an attempt to revitalise KCM, one of the greatest assets at Zambia’s disposal.

To be clear, KCM’s assets will not be seized, partitione­d and sold to the highest bidder. Instead, KCM will remain in operation under the government’s supervisio­n as new investors are identified and engaged in a civil and co-operative manner.

Those who criticise the undertakin­g, like Agarwal, offer only contrived, self-interested evidence, which pales in comparison to the legitimate grievances held by government and its constituen­ts. Zambians are right to believe they are due more than the scraps brushed to them by Vedanta and other relentless abusers.

Indeed copper is one of our most valuable non-renewable resources, and we mustn’t allow disingenuo­us foreign interests to delay or obstruct our taking advantage of its potential.

Securing a prosperous future for KCM and the rest of Zambia is contingent on our finding partners that share our ambition, as Vedanta once did. If we fail to do so, and stay the course of previous administra­tions, we will be protractin­g our own abuse. Should this happen, we will have only ourselves to blame.

Sunday Chilufya Chanda is media director of the Patriotic Front party of Zambia.

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