Cape Times

Artscape chief honoured as champion of disabled rights


FOR her tireless efforts in fighting for the rights of those with disabiliti­es and equality in the arts, Artscape Theatre chief executive Marlene le Roux received the Influencer of Influencer­s Award at the SA Brand Summit in Johannesbu­rg on Thursday night.

Le Roux dedicated the award to her late son, Adam George, who was diagnosed with cerebral palsy, and her daughter Aimee George, “who gave me purpose in life as a woman with a disability”.

SA Brand Summit convener and manager Solly Moeng stressed that the award was being given to Le Roux for her dedication to turn the cultural institutio­n into an accessible performing arts centre for all, in contradict­ion with its apartheid exclusivit­y history.

This accessibil­ity includes access for people with disabiliti­es.

Le Roux was lauded by Moeng as a champion influencer for the rights of people with disabiliti­es in South Africa.

Le Roux said yesterday she was overwhelme­d as she did not expect to win.

“This is a major award that involves the African continent. I do not see myself in that category, I see myself as a foot soldier sharing what people with disabiliti­es go through on a daily basis.

“We have many great policies in place but they aren’t being implemente­d. This award is not just for me – we have to create more awareness, workplaces need to employ more people with disabiliti­es and we need to hold them accountabl­e.”

“I hope this award will show young women from rural areas or with disabiliti­es, even if all odds are against you, if I can do it, so can you.”

The annual SA Brand Summit is a think tank on positionin­g options and requiremen­ts for country brands, with South Africa at the centre of deliberati­ons. It explores ways in which South Africa can best position itself to compete favourably against its regional and global peers.

 ??  ?? ARTSCAPE chief executive Marlene le Roux received the Influencer of Influencer­s Award at the SA Brand Summit in Johannesbu­rg last week.
ARTSCAPE chief executive Marlene le Roux received the Influencer of Influencer­s Award at the SA Brand Summit in Johannesbu­rg last week.

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