Cape Times

Two suspects arrested for shooting spree


POLICE have arrested two suspects after a spate of shootings that claimed the lives of at least 10 people in Blikkiesdo­rp, Gugulethu and Athlone at the weekend.

In what has been described as a war zone, the areas are now being monitored closely by police.

The shootings started in Blikkiesdo­rp late on Thursday night, with five people shot and killed when a group of men approached and opened fire at the victims, who were seated around an open fire.

Less than 24 hours later, the police’s flying squad responded to gunshots in Primrose Street, Athlone, where they spotted two suspects firing shots.

Police spokespers­on Andrè Traut said: “The suspects were pursued and arrested after they collided with a tree in Klipfontei­n Road. It was establishe­d that the vehicle had been hijacked and that two unknown men were shot and killed not far from where the suspects, aged 18 and 26, were arrested.

“The circumstan­ces are being investigat­ed and the suspects are due to make a court appearance in Athlone (today).”

That same night in KTC, Gugulethu, three young men were shot and killed, allegedly by rival gang members.

Blikkiesdo­rp Joint Committee member Ettienne Claasen said vigilantes set the house of a suspected gangster alight yesterday and that residents were living in fear. Traut said police were investigat­ing all the incidents.

Anyone with informatio­n can anonymousl­y contact Crime Stop on 08600 10111 or SMS Crime Line on 32211.

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