Cape Times

Trump the dark angel is showing us the way not to go


DONALD Trump is my dark angel.

Here we have a very rich man with fervent decades of extremist selfenrich­ment, a shrewd man without any grounded principles nor substantia­ted morals, a man with a manoeuvrin­g mind, an extremely superficia­l vision, an exasperati­ng egoist, a man deprived of balanced emotional intelligen­ce.

And within days he will become the president of the most powerful country in the world.

It seems that superficia­lity married to materialis­tic masturbati­on has won the day, even the decade. Perhaps another century down the drain. Hail, hail, the sad history of humanity. This man was chosen. By the people. They long for a meaningful life so deeply.

Dear reader, it is not the times of the barbarians that ran wild, with their fabricated “Bibles”, their “Qur’ans”, their “Upanishads”, of the jungle. It is not the times of the holy men that prophesise­d their protest in a pure holy universal dream. It is the 21st century, we have with us a many layered history, and I am flabbergas­ted.

We are at base. We are still running havoc and heartlessl­y keep manipulati­ng the weak and the gullible. And they will keep, so it seems, to applaud us with pure admiration, starry eyed, as their longed-for heroes. They will rejoice in our masterful inventing tactics, because they need hope so badly, long for it without risking real thought, so not to sink. To keep going. To get to the next lamp post.

They long for holy heroes without second thought, and then in time they will merely experience our extreme selfish ways, our processed cream and cruelty, while we grin and toast them with shrewd selfish s**t.

And they will keep suffering like yesterday, and likely tomorrow and maybe for ever more.

Trump is my dark angel, my metaphor of the ways of unreflecti­ng soul life. He prophesise­s with a frivolous whiff of blond-laced exuberance, what is “orgasmical­ly right”.

The proposed essence of a mankind not sensing that again they have been conned. That superficia­lity, shallow instinctiv­eness, shrewd manoeuvrin­g, base instincts are the “holy” gods that lead us on. Trump is our Pied Piper. And we, are too often following suit.

We keep to our philosophi­es, ideologies and regional indoctrina­ted interpreta­tions of religion, we are underdevel­oped in perceiving the width of pained human ways and then to, in pure honesty, test ourselves for balance, for time-formulated purity as we have nothing else than ticking time. And, at least for some kind of core humaneness.

I need to beware of my own dark angel.

The one that spits a “truth” from time invented and own internalis­ed provincial truths. I too, do have my biased principles hiding in the myriad ways I formulate my visions of life. I am amazed how it keeps creeping up to jail me into subjective coils.

You, dear reader, you do have them too. No one is holy.

Trump is your dark angel too. Showing the low road to a soulless life. I will keep looking seriously out for my dark metaphor. He will show me the way not to go. I think we can still become human. Wim van der Walt Bellville

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