Cape Times

Memory loss


“IF my memory gets any worse,” an older club player sighed to me, “I’ll be able to plan my own surprise party. When I’m declarer, I tend to forget the opening lead, not to mention the bidding.”

Good short-term memory is vital at bridge. But players must not only recall the bidding and play but must act on available inferences.

Against 3NT West leads the deuce of diamonds: ten, jack, ace. If South can pick up the clubs, he has nine tricks. The missing clubs will break 2-1 78 percent of the time, but if a defender has all three, declarer must cash a high honor from the correct hand first.

Does South have a clue to the right play? INFERENCE

South must recall that West led the deuce of diamonds, presumably showing four diamonds. An inference is available: If West had five cards in a major suit, he would have led that suit. Hence, only West can have length in clubs.

At Trick Two South should take the ace of clubs. When East discards, South easily makes game.


You hold: Q86 AK A 5 3 A J 5 3 2. Your partner opens one heart. The next player passes. What do you say?


Slam is likely though not certain. You need to enlist partner’s cooperatio­n and involve him in the decision. Jump-shift to three clubs. If he rebids three hearts, bid 3NT to show a strong, balanced hand with slam interest. If he bids 3NT, raise to 4NT to suggest slam at notrump. Trust him to go on with a slam-worthy hand.

South dealer Both sides vulnerable Opening lead – ♦2

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