Cape Times

Superbly written book provides unbiased and honest insight into Clinton

- Bloomsbury Publishing REVIEW: Julian Richfield

Hillary’s greatest challenges lie before her and she is amply qualified to be president.

AUTHOR Karen Blumenthal’s new book, HILLARY – A biography of Hillary Rodham Clinton, takes us from her childhood to her declaratio­n of her candidacy to stand as the Democrats presidenti­al candidate for the 2016 Presidenti­al election.

Many books about US political figures are quite wordy and go into much detail that may be less of interest to non-US readers.

Not this one… it strikes a perfect balance between what it says and how many pages it takes to say it, and who its readers may be.

Besides being published at just the right time, HILLARY is not overlong and contains enough detail to interest and inform, and much that provides an unbiased and honest insight into the lady who could just be the next president of the US.

In particular, the pages dealing with Hillary’s childhood and formative years, and of course those that deal with her husband’s infideliti­es, provide valuable and fascinatin­g insight.

On its back cover, HILLARY lists some interestin­g firsts about her – First student commenceme­nt speaker at Wellesley College; First woman to become a full partner at Rose Law Firm; First Lady of the US; First female US senator from New York; First woman to be a presidenti­al candidate in every primary in every state; and First former First Lady to seek the presidency.

A word from Hillary herself: “Always aim high, work hard, and care deeply about what you believe in. And when you stumble, keep faith. And when you’re knocked down, get right back up and never listen to anyone who says you can’t or shouldn’t go on.

“I’m somebody who gets up every day and says” ‘What am I going to do today and how am I going to do it?’ I think it moves me toward some outcome I’m hoping for and has some, you know, joy attached to it.”

Hillary’s greatest challenges lie before her and she is without doubt amply qualified and experience­d to become president. Many believe that she deserves the vote not as an anti-Trump measure but on her own merits.

Americans will speak in August 2016. I sense another First for Hillary Rodham Clinton…

The Hillary in Blumenthal’s superbly written and wellresear­ched book projects as exceptiona­lly bright, experience­d and strong. She has a great laugh and a warm smile, and comes across as a very caring normal human being, not hiding her imperfecti­ons at all.

HILLARY is not an A-Z chronicle of every nook and cranny of Hillary Rodham Clinton’s private and public life so far, but it contains more than enough for the reader wanting to know more about “a woman who has fascinated – and divided – the public”. Blumenthal has been a financial journalist for more than 25 years. She has written three financial books for adults and five non-fiction books for young people. As an author and reporter, she has appeared on the ABC World News Tonight, the Today Show, CNN and the PBS Nightly Business Report.

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