Cape Times

Gang terror continues after ‘publicity stunt’

- Carlo Petersen

Pascoe called on other community organisati­ons to join them in a mass march

GANG violence continues to hold the Cape Flats in a grip of terror, with sporadic shootings in Bonteheuwe­l and Manenberg at the weekend.

According to Manenberg Community Safety Forum chairperso­n Roegshanda Pascoe, a Hard Livings gangster allegedly donned a hijab to disguise himself as a Muslim woman on Saturday night before walking through Inga Court, where he opened fire on a group of Clever Kids, wounding one in the foot.

On Friday night, Pascoe said, an Americans gangster was shot and injured in Lillian Court. Police were unable to confirm the incidents.

On Saturday in Firethorn Street, Bonteheuwe­l, a 22-yearold was shot dead.

Community leaders have labelled the recent deployment of SANDF soldiers and specialise­d police units, as part of Operation Fiela, in gang stronghold­s a publicity stunt.

Pascoe called on other community organisati­ons to join them in a mass march on Saturday.

“Police are trying their best, but the gangs have their own strategies and the shootings continue to keep the community in fear. Last night, they were at it again all night,” she said.

“We are calling on police, neighbourh­ood watches, community police forums, ratepayers’ associatio­ns and the public to come together to show that gangsteris­m is not right.”

Pascoe said she hoped the march would bring all communitie­s in Cape Town together to fight gangsteris­m.

Bonteheuwe­l Joint Peace Forum spokespers­on Soraya Salie said her forum had met the police to discuss more patrols in the area.

“Police patrol for three hours at a time, but that is not enough because as soon as they are gone, the gangs start shooting again.

“We are making a plea to government. Bonteheuwe­l is bleeding. Safety is our democratic right, yet our children are still ducking and diving on the way to school.”

Police spokespers­on Tembinkosi Kinana said the SAPS attended to a complaint at Firethorn Street. No arrests had been made.

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