Cape Times



Apr 21 You have to bear some discomfort owing to a changeover in your domestic conditions. Trouble might emanate from a relative who refuses to fall in line with family customs. Unpleasant happenings may occur during this cycle. (083 9140 701) TAURUS: Apr 21 May 21 While it is good to have a keen appetite, it is unwise to eat and to drink to excess. Overly large quantities of what you most enjoy may actually ruin your health. This is the point at which you must resolve to eat well yet sensibly. (083 9140 702) GEMINI: May 21 Jun 22 Lack of co-operation in the work place could make your job more difficult to do at this time. Perhaps inefficien­t higher-ups are creating problems. Poor communicat­ion, incomplete explanatio­ns and muddled messages might raise your ire. (083 9140 703) CANCER: Jun 22 Jul 23 A turnabout by someone you trust could leave you feeling very disappoint­ed and betrayed. However, you must not allow feelings of desperatio­n or helplessne­ss to descend on you; must resolve to be self-confident, capable and resourcefu­l. (083 9140 704) LEO: Jul 23 Aug 24 You are not quite clear on what you want to do with your life or at least with a vital sector of it. The confusion is temporary. You must be patient as vital insights will eventually come through and point you in an exciting direction. (083 9140 705) VIRGO: Aug 24 Sep 23 You must remain upbeat apropos your aims, hopes and thoughts while your fortunes are into the downward curve. Keep yourself primed to get back on course toward success when your luck turns, otherwise you may not post good results. (083 9140 706) LIBRA: Sep 23 Oct 23 A general slowdown in the commercial sector will not please you. You can best spend this period reviewing the past and learning from it. There are valuable lessons that worked at another such time and which could serve you well again. (083 9140 707) SCORPIO: Oct 23 Nov 23 Beware of dangerous and crooked people. This is a time when someone who pretends to be your friend could do you a lot of harm. Think carefully about responding to suggestion­s by people whom you do not know well. (083 9140 708) SAGITTARIU­S: Nov 23 Dec 22 Your spiritual side has probably weakened somewhat due to the negative climate in your private life. Worries must be suppressed. Prayer remains the best soother of your troubled soul. Use it to regain faith in yourself. (083 9140 709) CAPRICORN: Dec 22 Jan 21 Persistent effort and a fair measure of patience are recommende­d as the ideal combinatio­n if you intend overcoming obstacles to success. Use these great qualities to wear down resistance and to outlast your rivals. (083 9140 710) AQUARIUS: Jan 21 Feb 20 Your coping skills in the fiscal sense are being tested. You may not reap the expected rewards for your hard work during this cycle but they will accumulate and enrich you somewhat later on. Work very sensibly with resources on hand. (083 9140 711) PISCES: Feb 20 Mar 21 If you accept that it is the problem that comes to test or even to humble you that also renders you wise, you will manage to accept your current difficulty and win through. You might learn lessons that serve you rather well later on. (083 9140 712)

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