Cape Times

New Ebola case in Liberia

- Terence Sesay and Kristin Palitza Sapa-dpa

MONROVIA: Liberia pulled out all the stops at the weekend to track down anyone who might have come into contact with the country’s latest confirmed Ebola patient.

The most recent case, confirmed by medical charity Médecins sans Frontières (MSF) late on Friday, destroyed hopes that the West African nation might soon be declared free of the virus.

Liberia had not reported a new case for 27 days. The last Ebola patient was discharged more than two weeks ago.

As the incubation period of the deadly virus is 21 days, the World Health Organisati­on (WHO) requires a country to show that no new case has been reported for 42 days before officially declaring it Ebola free.

The new case “is an unfortunat­e reminder that all Liberians need to maintain the same heightened level of vigilance and proper preventive behaviour”, said the informatio­n minister, Lewis Brown.

The Health Ministry deployed various surveillan­ce and contact tracing teams on Saturday to prevent the further spread of the virus.

The new patient is a 44year-old woman who was tested in an MSF treatment unit at Redemption Hospital in the capital, Monrovia.

She was reportedly infected during sexual intercours­e with an Ebola survivor.

The report prompted a backlash on the streets of Monrovia, where some residents blamed the victim.

“Some people just don’t learn. Health authoritie­s have warned Ebola survivors to stay away from sex for 90 days after their discharge.

“Why couldn’t she wait or simply use a condom?” said one Monrovia resident.

Liberia is one of the countries worst hit by an Ebola epidemic, with 9 526 reported infections and 4 264 deaths.

The number of people infected with Ebola in the last 15 months reached 24 701 worldwide, of whom 10 194 died, according to the WHO.

Some people just don’t learn. Why couldn’t she wait, or simply use a condom?

 ?? Picture: REUTERS ?? VIGILANT: An extra-careful French Red Cross team picks up a suspected Ebola case from the centre of Forecariah in Guinea earlier this year. In neighbouri­ng Liberia, where health authoritie­s had warned Ebola survivors to stay away from sex for 90 days...
Picture: REUTERS VIGILANT: An extra-careful French Red Cross team picks up a suspected Ebola case from the centre of Forecariah in Guinea earlier this year. In neighbouri­ng Liberia, where health authoritie­s had warned Ebola survivors to stay away from sex for 90 days...

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