Cape Argus




Cy the Cynic’s team had won my club’s monthly knockout teams event.

“Ed worked his magic and saved us,” Cy told me. “The match was tied with one deal left. At my table, I opened 1NT as East. After two passes, North doubled and all passed. South led a heart, and I took two hearts and three clubs for down two, minus 300.”

In the replay, Ed, the club expert, landed at four hearts as South.

“He had to make it to win the match,” Cy said, “but he had two trumps and two clubs to lose.” Third Club

When West led a club, East took the K-A and led a third club. Ed ruffed, took the A-K of diamonds, ruffed a diamond, led a spade to dummy and ruffed a club. He took two more high spades and led dummy’s last diamond at the 11th trick.

“East had A-J-6 of trumps,” Cy said, “Ed had K-9-8, and dummy had Q-5. The defenders’ second trump trick vanished. Whatever East did, Ed could take two more tricks. Plus 620, and we won.” A diamond shift by East at Trick Two beats four hearts. Daily Question

You hold: ♠ 10 9 6 3 ♥ AJ6 ♦ Q J 10 ♣A K J. The dealer, at your right, opens one spade. What do you say?

Answer: This is a judgment call. To overcall 1NT might work well. Even if your partner has no help in spades and lets you play at 1NT, you might take seven tricks. But since the hand has good defensive values, to pass and wait might be even better. If the opponents are vulnerable, I would certainly pass and hope for a juicy penalty.

East dealer

N-S vulnerable

 ??  ??

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