Cape Argus

Teaching Xhosa artists tech skills


FIVE young artists from disadvanta­ged areas received an opportunit­y to participat­e in a technical Xhosa art workshop which will help them shape their skills to get a more sustainabl­e income.

Inkcubeko Nezobugcis­a, a nonprofit organisati­on which promotes isiXhosa-language, arts and culture, held the photograph­y workshop at the Isivivana Centre in Khayelitsh­a for the selected Xhosa artists. They came from Khayelitsh­a, Mandalay, Philippi and Langa and were also able to hang their art in a local gallery.

Inkcubeko Nezobugcis­a artistic director Zizo Bongekile Manona said: “Art has allowed for young artists to build up their self-esteem, which has meant their voices can be noted as part of a bigger global art economic exchange. To be able to make meaningful artistic contributi­ons allows for a further social discourse between the young artists to help serve as social commentato­rs, instead of falling prey to the many social ills plaguing youngsters in many communitie­s.”

She said the overarchin­g messages seen through the artworks revolve around the celebratio­n of self, one’s cultural heritage and being proud of where we come from. “The best content starts with your surroundin­gs, family and community.”

The artists were being taught about exposure, compositio­n, lighting, portraitur­e, editing software and receiving additional instructio­ns on social media monetisati­on, pricing of photograph­s and commercial work, to assist them with their future endeavours.

One of the artists, Khanya Nxu, 26, said: “This has been helpful because as a self-taught photograph­er, I had little knowledge on how to manoeuvre a camera. Inkcubeko Nezobugcis­a’s programme helped shape my technical side and was a joy ride for me. It made me more confident holding a camera and has shaped my photograph­y journey. When the basics are covered, everything after aligns.”

The artists will also be offered contracts with Inkcubeko Nezobugcis­a following the workshop to photograph future Xhosa art and culture.

 ??  ?? FIVE young artists from disadvanta­ged areas received an opportunit­y to participat­e in a technical Xhosa art workshop.
FIVE young artists from disadvanta­ged areas received an opportunit­y to participat­e in a technical Xhosa art workshop.

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