Cape Argus

Trouble with incidents since lockdown


AS A member of the silent majority, if I don’t get these gripes off my chest, I will explode.

The call by some to have us return to lockdown level 5 is illconceiv­ed and stupid. At the outset, if we had locked down thoroughly at level 5 we could have knocked out the virus within three weeks. Instead, we saw in many areas crowds of people without masks gathering in the streets with no regard for physical distancing.

Clearly, extreme lockdown did not work and succeeded only in bringing disaster to the economy and reducing many of us to financial ruin.

It is a source of irritation and concern that many people walk along the Sea Point promenade and other public places without masks. Please do not ignore repeated calls to wear a mask in public, especially in crowded areas. Lowering a mask to expose nostrils is as useless as having no mask.

Can someone please explain why a casino can open but Green Point park remains closed? Opening the park will reduce crowding on the promenade and will be much safer with more space for distancing.

We hear of “billions allocated for local livelihood” to assist those in financial trouble, but we see nothing of it.

Most people in the private sector are on an income reduced by a third, or halved or, in some cases, ceased completely.

At the same time, councillor­s and politician­s vote themselves an increase of 6% – on a salary which is obscenely high and loaded with perks.

Since March, why has the UIF managed to make only one payment to some contributo­rs, and in some cases nothing?

Its red tape and incompeten­ce blow the mind.

When most people are struggling to put food on the table, the City kindly comforts us with a notice that rates will increase by a mere 4%. This is an increase on a property valuation which has since dropped considerab­ly.

How can one be taxed on an asset which is no longer there?

Although I am vehemently opposed to smoking, the ban on cigarette sales is ridiculous.

Few will quit the habit and I will not be surprised if someone with connection­s is making a fortune on illicit tobacco sales.

And finally, to those who are offended by certain statues of historical figures in public places – get a life. You can’t rewrite history by removing things you think are offensive.

The logical course is for the City to erect statues of figures from all our population groups. This should have been done long ago. This way no one’s heroes are excluded. Surely there is enough public space to share? PETER THERON | Green Point

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