Cape Argus

‘Probe Dr Survé’s phone bugging’

- Staff Reporter

THE ANC in the Western Cape has called for an investigat­ion into reports that the offices of Sekunjalo Investment Holdings, including the telephone of its executive chairperso­n Dr Iqbal Survé, have been bugged.

In a statement, ANC Western Cape provincial convener Lerumo Kalako and co-ordinator Ronalda Nalumango said: “We call for this bugging to be thoroughly investigat­ed.

“Those who believe that they can operate as if they are in an apartheid state must be brought before our courts so that we can see who is behind what seems to be a synchronis­ed right-wing attack against some people.”

The party said in a statement: “This is an illegal operation directed at a company that has turned around a newspaper group that once followed a pro-DA line.

“Radical change came under Dr Survé. So much so that we no longer see the Independen­t Media Group as a relic of the past, which was beholden to Helen Zille.

“Dr Survé has promoted blacks, women and young people.

“They have been behind editorial changes, as well as promoting a new way of looking at our country and government.

“This new way has not gone down well with white conservati­ves and right-wingers. They have constantly been attacking Dr Survé and the Independen­t Group.

“We stand for media freedom and strongly condemn this illegal bugging, as well as other efforts to intimidate Dr Survé, his family and Sekunjalo employees.”

Meanwhile, the Concerned Young Peoples Forum of SA (CYPFSA) said in a statement: “We are well aware of those who have been vilifying Dr Survé and we will do everything to protect him and the Sekunjalo family.

“We will do this because we believe in the black excellence and radical voice that is Independen­t Media and its entities.”

“We further would love to request that the law enforcemen­t agencies must act fast in finding these imbeciles who are paid to get rid of Dr Survé or we will find them ourselves.”

On previous reports about an assassinat­ion attempt on Dr Survé, CYPFSA said: “The attempt to assassinat­e Dr Survé is a long calculated one by those who cannot stand truth and reliable media. We are disturbed and angered by such an action.” |

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