Cape Argus

New MPLs eager to be sworn in, serve


ANC YOUTH League provincial chairperso­n Muhammed Khalid Sayed will be one of several new MPLs when the Western Cape legislatur­e sits for the first time after last week’s elections.

Sayed, 34, said he aspired to serve the people and was glad he could now do it directly from the benches in the legislatur­e.

He is one of the 12 ANC members, 24 DA, two EFF and one each for Good, the ACDP, FF+ and Aljama, who will be sworn in next week.

“It’s a great feeling to be part of the ANC team in the legislatur­e. As a young person I always thought working there was for old people. I really appreciate and relish the opportunit­y given to me as a young person to serve our people on this big stage.

“The portfolio I’ll be covering stills needs to be decided by the ANC, but I’ll participat­e in various debates. The youth issue also needs to be taken up, including with the DA youth members, to make sure we improved circumstan­ces of everyone,” Sayed said.

Also in the ANC’s top list is Andile Lili, an activist infamous for his poo protest against poor sanitation at informal settlement­s in Cape Town.

He became a city councillor in 2011, and was expelled in 2013 after he participat­ed in the demolition of shacks in Khayelitsh­a.

“It’s a great feeling to go to the legislatur­e where decisions are taken that impact on the lives of our people.

“Human settlement­s remains an issue that needs urgent attention because the current provincial government has failed our people.

“The housing backlog in the province needs to be addressed as a matter of urgency. This time I’ll be able to give an input as the opposition,” Lili said.

Brett Herron will represent the Good party in the province while Shaun August and party leader Patricia de Lille head to the National Assembly.

Ferlon Christians is still the sole ACDP representa­tive in the legislatur­e.

On the right side of the provincial legislatur­e, the DA benches will welcome newcomers Deidre Baartman David Maynier and Andricus van der Westhuizen. Maynier and Van der Westhuizen were previously members of the National Assembly.

“At national level I was in the opposition, but now at provincial I’ll be part of the governing side.

“It’ll bring new challenges, but I’m looking forward to make a difference in the Western Cape,” Van der Westhuizen said.

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Andile Lili

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