Cape Argus


Stroke victim joins Thuli on Kilimanjar­o trek


A CAPE Town woman wants to summit Mount Kilimanjar­o in an effort to improve the lives of schoolgirl­s.

Mari van Wyk, from Durbanvill­e, alongside former public protector Thuli Madonsela and a group of other women are scheduled to climb Kilimanjar­o on Women’s Day as part of the Trek4Mande­la initiative to raise funds for Caring4Gir­ls menstrual hygiene programme.

The initiative provides monthly menstrual support and effective hygiene and health education and aims at reaching two million girls by 2020.

“These young girls have many mountains to climb on a daily basis.

“The circumstan­ces they live in, many do not have regular meals each day, clothing, or transport and to be without such a basic necessity as a sanitary pad, when they enter womanhood is unthinkabl­e,” said Van Wyk.

Having experience­d a series of migrainous strokes, Van Wyk said she wanted to break down taboos.

“I also have a personal reason. “If I can conquer Kilimanjar­o, I will have conquered all the insecuriti­es I have about my physical abilities, especially after the strokes I had”, she said

Van Wyk said she was honoured to be tackling this challenge alongside the former public protector.

“Madonsela is an inspiratio­nal woman with moral values, backbone and integrity. She has the most contagious laugh, excellent sense of humour and can still appreciate small things,” said Van Wyk.

Summitting mountains as high as Kilimanjar­o is risky and can be fatal but van Wyk is determined and said preparatio­ns through hiking trails and following a healthy diet has become part of her daily life.

“I’m reading as much as possible about Kilimanjar­o, the environmen­t, what to expect, other people’s experience­s. I am constantly testing my physical abilities now to know what my body is capable of,” said Van Wyk

LexisNexis SA chief operating officer Stephen Okelo Odongo said: “In Madonsela, we see a commitment to social justice and the rule of law, and advancing the rule of law is our core purpose around the world.

“It’s a great honour to be involved in this cause which she has aligned with, because the values she represents of truth, justice and equality under the law, so closely align with our own.”

Odongo said for young girls living in poverty, everyday is an uphill battle.

“There is lack of understand­ing, empathy and support for young women going through puberty in schools that are not equipped to provide adequately for their dignity,” he said, calling on corporates and individual­s to support the initiative.

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 ??  ?? THULI Madonsela and Mari van Wyk from Durbanvill­e, and a group of other women, are going to climb Kilimanjar­o to raise funds for Caring4Gir­ls hygiene programme.
THULI Madonsela and Mari van Wyk from Durbanvill­e, and a group of other women, are going to climb Kilimanjar­o to raise funds for Caring4Gir­ls hygiene programme.

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