Cape Argus

Testing time for politician­s


VERY soon we will be witnessing the ANC’s 54th national conference, and I wish the organisati­on, participan­ts and supporters all the best.

As participan­ts will also be electing a new ANC president, it is incumbent upon all members to encourage debate and diverse political engagement, as well as to critically evaluate each candidate to establish a healthy electoral democracy and continue the good legacy of Oliver Tambo, Nelson Mandela and others.

Warring factionali­sm, character assassinat­ion, tension, break-away groups, intimidati­on and public mud-slinging destroy nation-building, transforma­tion, social integratio­n and cohesion among citizens.

Politician­s need to display political maturity and agree to disagree amicably. They should not disagree for the sake of disagreein­g, to show power or to prove a point.

For South Africa’s democracy to grow stronger, we need political leaders who work together and co-operate with one another for the greater good.

Corrupt and clandestin­e governance is not in the best interest of the country. To heal from our atrocious past and address the needs of the people, we need to reconcile our disagreeme­nts and make informed political decisions beyond our selfish desires. MOHAMED SAEED Pietermari­tzburg

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