Cape Argus

City school Trafalgar High celebrates ‘a phenomenal 100 years’


THE FIRST high school in Cape Town built specifical­ly for pupils of colour celebrates its centenary today.

Trafalgar High School in District Six was founded on January 12, 1912, with the help of Dr Abdullah Abdurahman, the president of the African Political Organisati­on, and Harold Cressy, the first coloured man to obtain a BA degree at UCT.

It had 60 pupils and five teachers, and Cressy was the first principal.

Today, Trafalgar celebrated its milestone at a special academic assembly and party.

Planning Minister Trevor Manuel was the keynote speaker and special guests included Deputy Minister of Internatio­nal Relations and Cooperatio­n and Western Cape ANC leader Marius Fransman, Western Cape High Court Judge Siraj Desai and Labour Court Deputy Judge President Basheer Wagley.

The day’s festivitie­s started with a procession led by Manuel and the school’s principal, Nadeem Hendricks.

Manuel, quoting reggae legend Bob Marley, said: “A people without history is like a tree without roots.

“And this people and this school have a history,” he said.

Hendricks said if he were to list Trafalgar’s famous alumni he would be able to “fill a newspaper”.

Among the most well known are former justice minister Dullah Omar and advocate Bennie Kies, who was kicked out of the school by the government in the 1970s because of his anti-apartheid activities.

“Trafalgar, Alexander Sinton (High) and Livingston­e High School have produced leaders in this country and were at the forefront of the struggle against apartheid.

“We are determined to remember the 100 years.

“We are determined to remind people of the history of the schools that were involved in the liberation struggle – a nation that doesn’t remember, its history is lost.

“It has been a phenomenal 100 years and the school is still respected in the community and we are still educating the poor and retaining an excellent academic record.

“Seventy percent of our matriculan­ts go to UCT, UWC and Stellenbos­ch.

“These pupils are our pride. It has been 100 years of taking the poor to academic excellence with pupils from Gugulethu, Langa and Mitchells Plain.”

 ?? PICTURE: BRENTON GEACH ?? HISTORIC: Pupils arrive at Trafalgar High in District Six. The school, the first high school in Cape Town to cater for coloured and black pupils, celebrates its centenary today.
PICTURE: BRENTON GEACH HISTORIC: Pupils arrive at Trafalgar High in District Six. The school, the first high school in Cape Town to cater for coloured and black pupils, celebrates its centenary today.
 ?? PICTURE: TRACEY ADAMS ?? HAPPY DAY: Trafalgar High School principal Nadeem Hendricks and Simphiwe Gwashu, whose child attends the school, greet Planning Minister Trevor Manuel.
PICTURE: TRACEY ADAMS HAPPY DAY: Trafalgar High School principal Nadeem Hendricks and Simphiwe Gwashu, whose child attends the school, greet Planning Minister Trevor Manuel.

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