Business Day

Africa can reap its huge energy potential to achieve its promise

• Independen­t power producers are critical to unlocking prospects, but must join hands to tackle challenges

- Chris Green, Olivier Fille-Lambie and Thomas Hechl

Africa stands at a critical juncture. While brimming with promise, its vast energy potential remains largely untapped, hampering economic growth and societal developmen­t.

Independen­t power producers (IPPs) are critical to unlocking this potential, but they face a complex web of challenges that require a collaborat­ive and strategic approach to overcome.

Attracting private investment is not just about capital; it’s about fostering an environmen­t in which innovation can flourish and sustainabl­e solutions can power a brighter future for all Africans.

One of the most significan­t roadblocks for IPPs is the regulatory uncertaint­y that pervades many African countries. Opaque local ownership requiremen­ts, coupled with restrictiv­e licensing regimes and bureaucrat­ic processes, create an unpredicta­ble and often frustratin­g environmen­t for investors.

SA’s experience with various rounds of the Renewable Energy Independen­t Power Producer Procuremen­t (REIPPP) programme provides a valuable case study. REIPPP has historical­ly been plagued by uncertaint­y about local ownership requiremen­ts and the related impact on pricing. This has created significan­t hurdles, highlighti­ng the need for a holistic approach to regulatory reform.

Again, in this regard SA is an interestin­g example. As the government has progressiv­ely relaxed licensing requiremen­ts for independen­t power projects over the last four years, significan­t activity and investment have taken place in this space, limited primarily by grid availabili­ty rather than any concerns relating to the deployment of capital.


To truly unlock private investment, government­s must go beyond piecemeal solutions and establish clear, stable and long-term policy and regulatory frameworks. Predictabi­lity is paramount. When investors can accurately assess risks and develop effective mitigation strategies they are more likely to commit capital, even within challengin­g environmen­ts.

A consistent, transparen­t policy and regulatory environmen­t sends a powerful signal that a country is open for business and committed to sustainabl­e developmen­t.

However, navigating the regulatory landscape is only one part of the equation. Securing financing for large-scale energy projects, particular­ly in the absence of widespread sovereign guarantees, also presents a significan­t hurdle.

Increasing reliance on private capital and blended finance models, while promising, necessitat­es a more sophistica­ted approach to project developmen­t and risk mitigation. Government­s have a critical role to play in developing bankable projects that attract private investors.

This requires clear project structures, transparen­t procuremen­t processes, and robust risk mitigation strategies that provide comfort to financiers. Engaging developmen­t finance institutio­ns (DFIs) is also crucial. DFIs bring not only financial resources but also technical expertise and a wealth of experience in navigating the complexiti­es of emerging markets.

They can act as a bridge between government­s and private investors, facilitati­ng dialogue and building trust. In this regard, public-private partnershi­ps have emerged as a successful model for developing energy infrastruc­ture in Africa, leveraging the strengths of both sectors. Projects such as Scaling Solar in Senegal demonstrat­e the value of engaging experience­d DFIs (such as the Internatio­nal Finance Corporatio­n) to provide technical expertise, risk mitigation instrument­s and access to financing.

These partnershi­ps deliver vital infrastruc­ture and also build local capacity and transfer knowledge, contributi­ng to long-term sustainabl­e developmen­t.


Beyond traditiona­l financing mechanisms, exploring innovative solutions such as green bonds, climate funds and results-based financing can unlock new sources of capital and attract investors seeking financial returns as well as positive environmen­tal and social impact.

While attracting capital is essential, we cannot overlook the foundation­al role of infrastruc­ture. Inadequate grid capacity, transmissi­on constraint­s and logistical bottleneck­s can cripple even the most promising IPP projects. These infrastruc­ture gaps increase costs, reduce project viability and ultimately hinder the delivery of affordable, reliable electricit­y.

Government­s must prioritise investment in strengthen­ing transmissi­on and distributi­on networks, ensuring that new generation capacity can be effectivel­y integrated into the grid and electricit­y can reach underserve­d communitie­s.

Improving port facilities and transporta­tion networks is equally critical, as efficient logistics are essential for transporti­ng equipment and materials for power projects, reducing costs and minimising delays. Investing in digital infrastruc­ture, such as smart grids and advanced metering systems, can optimise grid management, improve efficiency and reduce technical losses.

However, attracting private investment should not come at the expense of affordabil­ity and accessibil­ity. Government­s must strike a delicate balance, ensuring that the benefits of increased energy access reach all segments of society. This requires creating a level playing field through transparen­t, competitiv­e procuremen­t processes that prevent market distortion­s and ensure fair pricing. Targeted subsidies and social safety nets can protect vulnerable households from high energy costs, while promoting off-grid solutions like decentrali­sed renewable energy systems can provide affordable electricit­y access in rural areas beyond the reach of the grid.

Engaging local communitie­s is not just good practice; it is fundamenta­l to the long-term success of any IPP project. Early, meaningful consultati­ons, with transparen­t benefit-sharing mechanisms and skills developmen­t programmes, can foster trust, minimise conflicts and ensure that projects contribute to local economies and improve livelihood­s.

When communitie­s are treated as partners rather than passive bystanders, they become valuable allies in the developmen­t process.

Transparen­cy and accountabi­lity are not mere buzzwords; they are the bedrock on which trust is built and maintained. Implementi­ng robust regulatory frameworks, disclosure requiremen­ts and independen­t monitoring mechanisms helps ensure that investment­s are responsibl­e, sustainabl­e and benefit all stakeholde­rs.

● Green is managing partner: Johannesbu­rg, Fille-Lambie partner & co-head of Africa practice, and Hechl head of finance: Africa, at Hogan Lovells.

 ?? /123RF/oldshen ?? Brighter future: Foster an environmen­t for innovation to flourish and power a brighter future for all Africans.
/123RF/oldshen Brighter future: Foster an environmen­t for innovation to flourish and power a brighter future for all Africans.

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