Business Day

Sequel’s only fun is when Arnie calls it curtains

- Nigel Andrews

Frantic, sad, tired and imbecilic. That describes the better bits of Terminator: Dark Fate.

I wanted to take aside this cyborg sequel’s creators, from director and co-writer Tim Miller to executive producer and story collaborat­or James Cameron (yes, him), and tell them to try reading Proust. Sometimes there is more excitement in a page of deeply thought, deeply characteri­sed inaction than in two hours of berserk crash-bang-kerpow involving cipher human(oid)s.

Who cares about hybrid cyborg Grace (sheeny, inexpressi­ve Mackenzie Davis), colourless Mexican Dani (Natalia Reyes) — a factory worker with a destiny whom Grace is protecting — or their pursuing antagonist, the galumphing­ly dull Rev-9 android (Gabriel Luna), whose novelty skill is to turn to puddles of sticky black liquid.

Poor Linda Hamilton, of the first Terminator, is pulled from semiretire­ment to play senior citizen Sarah Connor. She looks ravaged and unhappy: no fun here either. In fact, nothing is fun — not even the colliding planes action sequence in midmovie that sets the computerge­nerated image skies on fire — until the arrival of, yes, you guessed, governor Schwarzene­gger.

He plays Carl, our T1 and T2 android now living incognito in a cabin-workshop bearing the sign “Carl’s Drapes”. A witstarved filmgoer is finally offered some moments of licensed hilarity. Carl waxes eloquent, in that sombre Teutonic monotone issuing from the Aku-Aku Arnie head, about curtains.

“One wrong choice can ruin a room,” he booms. This surely has the mileage for a sitcom.

Planet of the Drapes. Netflix, sign now.

The rest of the movie doesn’t have the mileage even for a movie. It is surely time for the

Terminator series to lower, as Carl might say, the curtain.

 ?? /Supplied/IMDb ?? So sad: Linda Hamilton in ‘Terminator: Dark Fate’.
/Supplied/IMDb So sad: Linda Hamilton in ‘Terminator: Dark Fate’.

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