Business Day

The Terminator's take on Trump: a mean, pitiful cheat


In May 2018, Arnold Schwarzene­gger was reported to have “crushed an internet troll who mocked Special Olympics”. The troll had commented on a video Schwarzene­gger had posted of some Special Olympics athletes, captioned: “These guys inspire me.”

The troll continued: “The Olympics are for the best athletes in the entire world to compete against each other to determine who is the best. Having retards competing is doing the opposite!”

The Terminator was gently brutal in his response. “You have two possible paths ahead. Right now, I guarantee you that these athletes have more courage, compassion, brains and skill — actually more of every positive human quality — than you.

“So, take their path, you could learn from them, and try to challenge yourself to give back, to add something to the world. Or you can stay on your path, and keep being a sad pitiful jealous internet troll who adds nothing to the world but mocks anyone who does out of small-minded jealousy.

“I know that all you really want is attention, so let me be clear. If you choose to keep going this way, no one will ever remember you.”

This week, Donald Trump, the child president, through his education secretary Betsy DeVos, proposed to cut all federal funding for the Special Olympics. The US government contribute­s $17.6m to the Special Olympics, which is part of the education department’s budget, which is being cut by 10%. There is more money for the military, less for learning. DeVos has been trolled by both Democrats and Republican­s for this, and it seems likely that she may roll back her plan.

But why even go there? Why look to wipe out such a trifling amount in the record $4.75trillion budget plan Trump sent to Congress? Well, cast your eyes at the fifth and sixth words of this column, pilgrims.

Schwarzene­gger, his ex-wife and her family are heavily involved in the Special Olympics. Trump doesn’t like Schwarzene­gger, and the feeling is mutual. Of Trump’s meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin in 2018, Schwarzene­gger said it was “embarrassi­ng”. “I mean, you stood there like a little wet noodle, like a little fan boy.”

Trump does not like being mocked. He also likes winning, no matter how. Trump will not like Rick Reilly’s new book, Commander in Cheat: How golf

explains Trump. Reilly, a former, award-winning sportswrit­er for Sports Illustrate­d and ESPN, has played golf with Trump and has known him for 30 years. He

spoke to caddies, to people who have played with and against Trump, and others who have just watched him. How does Trump play golf? “Trump lies, and Trump cheats.” In a game with Reilly he took “floating mulligans” when it suited him, subtracted shots from his score

— fives became fours — and he took a “gimme chip”.

“Trump doesn’t just cheat at golf. He cheats like a three-card monte dealer. He throws it, boots it and moves it. He lies about his lies. He fudges and foozles and fluffs. At Winged Foot, where Trump is a member, the caddies got so used to seeing him kick his ball back on to the fairway, they came up with a nickname for him: ‘Pele’,” wrote Reilly.

He often finds water. The actor Samuel L Jackson told Reilly: “We clearly saw him hook a ball into a lake at Trump National [in Bedminster, New Jersey] and his caddy told him he found it!”

Trump always has his own


cart when he plays. He always drives first from the box, no matter whose honour it is, then speeds off down the fairway before the others have teed off.

He has been known to play another player’s ball if it has a better lie. He claims to have won 18 club championsh­ips. He drives his golf cart on greens.

Caddies at Bedminster told Reilly: “Donald Trump never cheats.” Reilly paused, confused, before the realisatio­n: “Oh! His caddy cheats for him?” They laughed like drains. “He’s always got four balls in his pocket, if that tells you anything,” said one caddy. “He wants you to throw it out of the woods, kick it out of the rough, fluff up his lie. We all know the deal,” said another.

Trump cheats and Trump lies. Trump tries to take money from the Special Olympics.

To take a line from Schwarzene­gger: Trump will “keep being a sad pitiful jealous internet troll who adds nothing to the world but mocks anyone who does out of small-minded jealousy”.


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