Business Day

Gigaba’s trip to nowhere


We have now reached into the darkest corner to scrape the very bottom of our extremely rotten barrel. Finance Minister Malusi Gigaba, lapdog of the Thief in Chief, is on his way to foreign shores in an effort to convince investors SA is on course for a new growth trajectory that deserves their unfailing support. He is quite obviously on a road to nowhere.

What will be the outcome of such an Orwellian season of spin designed to reflect the false rays of sunshine radiating from our rapidly shrinking economic space? The endgame mirrors the campaign manufactur­ed by Bell Pottinger. The result will no doubt form part of a legacy that precedes its sudden resignatio­n from the Zupta account, no doubt after the heat in the kitchen cremated its credibilit­y.

In my view, Gigaba will get a far better reception in Saville Row and New Bond Street. Perhaps 1st Avenue will generate the real action he is looking for.

Investors will be conspicuou­s by their absence, given the obvious fraud that is called our government. What we are witnessing is a sad truth that the bottomless pit of an assembly of many useless people grows larger by the day. Our state-owned enterprise­s continue unchecked in their reckless pursuit to drive SA bankrupt. The bond market will no doubt generate the final judgement call on the economic stupidity of those in power, but the real tragedy is that the thieves do not care, neither for the country nor for the uneducated voting stock who keep them in power.

At the end of the day, we will all be victims of this thievery.

AR Viljoen Elgin

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