The Lowvelder

Mbombela takes part in global nature event

- Chelsea Pieterse

MBOMBELA - Nature lovers recently participat­ed in the global event, the City Nature Challenge 2023, helping identify over 70 species of indigenous flora and fauna in the region.

Hosted by iNaturalis­t, the Lowveld Botanical Society (BotSoc) helped initiate the project in Mbombela, encouragin­g locals to take part and submit as many observatio­ns of wild plants, animals and insects on the iNaturalis­t app as possible.

The project took place from April 28 until May 1.

According to www.inaturalis­, the project is one of the largest community science events with the purpose of helping the world better understand and take care of the nature that lives in and around urban areas.

Mbombela participan­ts submitted a total of 108 observatio­ns, including 74 species of flora and fauna, according to the stats on the iNaturalis­t website. These observatio­ns included rodents, antelope, butterflie­s, mosses, trees, spiders and birds, to name a few.

The submission­s included a photo of the observatio­n, the common name and the scientific name.

The app allows anyone to access it and make submission­s, and hosts several experts to help identify flora and fauna that an observer cannot.

Cats, dogs and humans were not accepted in the official observatio­ns.

While the City Nature Challenge has come to an end, the app can still be used to submit sightings for scientific data, and people can join other projects currently taking place on the app. (Dicronorrh­ina derbyana oberthueri), an example of one of the > Photo: Chelsea Pieterse

 ?? ?? A flower chafer beetle insects that can be found in Mbombela.
A flower chafer beetle insects that can be found in Mbombela.

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