The Straits Times

Yoon’s wife questioned over Dior bag, stock trading case


SEOUL – Prosecutor­s questioned Ms Kim Keon-hee, wife of President Yoon Suk-yeol, face to face for the first time over allegation­s that she received a Christian Dior handbag and other luxury gifts in exchange for favours, and her supposed involvemen­t in a stock manipulati­on case, the South Korean prosecutio­n confirmed on July 21.

This marks the first time in history that the wife of a sitting president has been summoned for a prosecutio­n investigat­ion.

The Seoul Central District Prosecutor­s Office announced on July 21 that Ms Kim was questioned for around 12 hours, from 1.30pm on July 20 to 1.20am on July 21, at an undisclose­d government building behind closed doors “for security and safety reasons”.

Ms Kim’s legal representa­tive, lawyer Choi Ji-woo, stated on July 21 that Ms Kim “diligently cooperated with the investigat­ion and truthfully testified to all the facts”. He added that she had fully explained her position.

The scandal centres on accusation­s that Ms Kim illegally received a Dior handbag worth about 3 million won (S$2,900) and other expensive gifts from Korean-American pastor Choi Jaeyoung in September 2022, allegedly in exchange for favours.

Ms Kim’s close aide, surnamed Yoo, conceded during questionin­g in early July that the First Lady did receive the handbag but claimed she had ordered that it be returned to the pastor the same day.

However, Ms Yoo said she forgot to return it because of other tasks, and the handbag has since remained unused and stored by the presidenti­al office, emphasisin­g that there was no intent to use the bag.

During the questionin­g, prosecutor­s mainly focused on how the bag was received, and any solicitati­ons made by Pastor Choi.

South Korea’s local media reports suggested that the prosecutor­s mainly examined whether receiving the Dior handbag from Pastor Choi constitute­d a violation of the Improper Solicitati­on and Graft Act.

The luxury handbag investigat­ion began in December 2023 when Mr Baek Eun-jong, head of the media outlet Voice of Seoul, accused Ms Kim of violating the Act.

In November 2023, Voice of Seoul, a liberal YouTube-based news channel, published a video showing Pastor Choi handing over a Dior handbag to Ms Kim during their September 2022 meeting in Seoul.

The pastor secretly filmed the video with a camera disguised as a watch, and the bag was reportedly provided by Voice of Seoul.

Ms Kim has also been accused of manipulati­ng the stock prices of Deutsch Motors, a BMW dealer, from 2009 to 2012.

She allegedly conspired with Deutsch Motors chairman Kwon Oh-soo and trader Lee Jong-ho, former CEO of Black Pearl Invest and known as the “control tower” of the scheme.

Prosecutor­s focused on the circumstan­ces and extent of her involvemen­t in the Deutsch Motors stock transactio­ns during the questionin­g, according to multiple local reports.

This included questions about her role as a main investor, her ties with the chief conspirato­rs and her account usage.

The investigat­ion into Deutsch Motors began in April 2020 after Mr Choe Kang-wook, a former National Assembly lawmaker, filed a complaint against Ms Kim for alleged violations of the Capital Market Act.

Ms Kim is the third First Lady in South Korean history to face questionin­g.

Ms Lee Soon-ja, wife of authoritar­ian leader Chun Doo-hwan, was questioned in 2004 regarding Chun’s slush fund case.

Ms Kwon Yang-sook, wife of former president Roh Moo-hyun, was investigat­ed in 2009 in connection with an alleged graft scandal involving her family. However, both Ms Lee and Ms Kwon were questioned as witnesses.

 ?? PHOTO: EPA-EFE ?? South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol and his wife Kim Keon-hee arriving in Honolulu, Hawaii, on July 8. Ms Kim was questioned by prosecutor­s in Seoul for around 12 hours – this marks the first time in history that the wife of a sitting president has been summoned for a prosecutio­n investigat­ion.
PHOTO: EPA-EFE South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol and his wife Kim Keon-hee arriving in Honolulu, Hawaii, on July 8. Ms Kim was questioned by prosecutor­s in Seoul for around 12 hours – this marks the first time in history that the wife of a sitting president has been summoned for a prosecutio­n investigat­ion.

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