The Straits Times

Trump campaign prepares attack plan against Harris in case Biden withdraws


GRAND RAPIDS, Michigan – Donald Trump’s campaign is preparing a major effort to attack Vice-President Kamala Harris if US President Joe Biden steps aside as the Democratic Party’s nominee, including a wave of advertisem­ents focusing on her record in her current office and in California, according to two people briefed on the matter.

The Trump team has prepared opposition research books on Ms Harris, 59, and has similar dossiers on other Democrats who could become the nominee if Mr Biden drops out of the presidenti­al race.

But the bulk of the preparatio­ns so far has been focused on Ms Harris, including a recently concluded poll testing her vulnerabil­ities in a general election contest, according to the two people.

The Trump team’s attention on Ms Harris is based on its assumption that if Democrats were to bypass the first black woman to serve as US vice-president, it would drive even deeper divisions in the party and risk alienating their base of black voters.

Trump allies have also begun examining the records of Democratic governors who are considered potential running mates for Ms Harris.

Advisers to the former US president are paying especially close attention to Pennsylvan­ia Governor Josh Shapiro – the state the Trump campaign is most focused on winning to block the Democrats’ path to the White House.

A Trump campaign spokespers­on did not respond to an e-mail seeking comment.

Since Mr Biden’s disastrous debate performanc­e on June 27, Trump and his political operation have softened their criticism of the President, hoping he stays politicall­y viable until the party formally nominates him and it is too late to replace him without major legal hurdles.

Trump’s senior team preferred that Mr Biden, 81, remained in the race, believing his low approval numbers, and voters’ widespread doubts about his age and cognitive fitness represent the former president’s best chance at reclaiming the White House.

After the debate, the Trump team decided to hold back advertisin­g that could further damage Mr Biden, according to one person briefed on the Trump campaign’s internal discussion­s who was not authorised to speak publicly.

A change at the top of the ticket could throw a remarkably stable race into chaos – particular­ly if Ms Harris, who could be the first black woman elected US president, becomes the nominee.

Some Trump aides say privately that Ms Harris might be better at delivering certain messages than Mr Biden has been, particular­ly on abortion rights, an issue that galvanised Democrats in the 2022 midterm elections.

And as a former prosecutor, she may be positioned to make a sharp argument about Trump’s criminal indictment­s, including his conviction in New York City on charges that he falsified business records to conceal a hush-money payment to a porn actress in 2016.

But they also believe Ms Harris will have to own every unpopular Biden-era policy, which will cancel out the gains she might make. In particular, the Trump team plans to attack her over the border crisis, one that the US President tasked her with finding the “root causes” of.

Aides to Ms Harris have said that Trump has distorted her role, and have noted that regardless, border crossings have fallen since a Biden administra­tion curtailing of asylum.

They are also looking to define her based on her tenure as a senator in California and, before that, her time as the state’s attorneyge­neral and as the district attorney of San Francisco, where her record during her 2020 presidenti­al campaign was criticised alternatel­y as too conservati­ve or too lenient towards first-time drug offenders.

Republican­s have long criticised Ms Harris. She has been on the receiving end of similar Republican attacks, particular­ly about the border and Mr Biden’s acuity, for years.

And despite not rolling out videos or signs, several Republican­s made her part of their focus during their convention this past week, mentioning her both in conjunctio­n with Mr Biden and also on her own.

A recent New York Times/Siena College poll found Ms Harris in a slightly stronger position against Trump than the President. The poll, however, was completed before the assassinat­ion attempt on Trump.

Still, Mr Jim Hobart, a pollster whose firm, Public Opinion Strategies, is helping to conduct NBC’s bipartisan poll, said Ms Harris is starting from a fairly defined place nationally.

He said that in the most recent survey, “50 per cent of voters already have a negative opinion of Harris – just 32 per cent have a positive opinion”.

He added: “Could those positive numbers improve if she is the nominee? Sure. But remember, she has never shown herself to be a particular­ly skilled candidate.”

He pointed to her narrow win in the 2010 attorney-general’s race, and the bust that was her presidenti­al campaign in 2020.

 ?? PHOTO: NYTIMES ?? Vice-President Kamala Harris arriving aboard Air Force Two in Buzzards Bay, Massachuse­tts, en route to a campaign fund-raiser on July 20. The bulk of the opposition research by Donald Trump’s campaign team has focused on Ms Harris, who could become the Democratic Party’s nominee if President Joe Biden drops out of the presidenti­al race.
PHOTO: NYTIMES Vice-President Kamala Harris arriving aboard Air Force Two in Buzzards Bay, Massachuse­tts, en route to a campaign fund-raiser on July 20. The bulk of the opposition research by Donald Trump’s campaign team has focused on Ms Harris, who could become the Democratic Party’s nominee if President Joe Biden drops out of the presidenti­al race.

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