The Edge Singapore


The tender, flavourful speciality pork is a surefire crowd-pleaser

- BY PAULINE WONG pauline. wong@ bizedge. com

You may have heard of Kurobuta pork; now you can sink your teeth into Budou-buta pork at Bedrock Bar and Grill, where this special pork from “grape-fed” pigs in Japan takes centre stage. Budou-buta pigs are raised in Aya Town, a designated Unesco ecopark in Miyazaki. Only two farms have been certified to raise this breed, and they have high production standards to ensure very clean conditions and a focus on the pig’s health and well-being. The pigs are fed on a special mix of Japanese grapes, home-prepared corn and non-geneticall­y modified barley, said to have antibacter­ial properties. The result is a tender, sweet and mild cut of pork, without the unusually gamey or musky taste that is sometimes associated with pork.

In Bedrock’s final edition of its World Meat Series 2019, diners will get the chance to savour three exclusivel­y created dishes: the Pulled Pork and Shrimp Sandwich ($48++), served with truffle mayo and cucumber pickles; the Woodfire Grilled Pork Steak ($58++), served with sautéed potatoes and herb truffle sauce; and the Pork Belly with Scallops ($68++), served with braised cabbage and corn puree.

We tried the Pork Belly with Scallops — a generous cut of pork belly with a finger-width layer of pork fat underneath tender skin that gave way easily to the cut of the knife. The fat melted in the mouth, and the pork was well seasoned, nicely complement­ed by the mild, perfectly cooked scallops and sweet corn puree. As is often the case with pork belly, however, some may find the fattiness of the meat overly rich and indulgent, and would find themselves hard-pressed to finish the dish.

The Woodfire Grilled Pork Steak was the clear winner between the two. Done medium-well with the faintest hint of pink in the centre, along with a smoky, savoury and sweet glaze and sauteed potatoes, this is a crowd-pleaser. The meat, most importantl­y, was moist and retained its juiciness. Embrace this dish with a hearty appetite, and do not forget to top it off with a glass of red wine.

If you would like to get a chance to taste these special dishes, make haste — the Budou-buta pork is available until Dec 15.

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 ??  ?? Woodfire Grilled Pork Steak, served with sautéed potatoes and herb truffle sauce
Woodfire Grilled Pork Steak, served with sautéed potatoes and herb truffle sauce
 ??  ?? Pork Belly with Scallops has a finger-width layer of pork fat underneath tender skin
Pork Belly with Scallops has a finger-width layer of pork fat underneath tender skin

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